- sunshine.

139 6 16

(A/N: hi, guys! first things first, music is provided in the second tab~ actually found some new music while finding some of this part.

as always, i hope you enjoy. thank you, those who are sticking with me in this one shot collection. please know i appreciate u a lot.)

The morning was still young, as the hot ball of light was just barely rising. Some of the still-dim light from outside filtering through the window blinds.
Light would ever so slowly grow brighter and brighter in time, when it were to become noon.

your boyfriend woke up beside you when you were still asleep, light illuminating his features.

(sleeping positions: you're facing izu, side laying on the bed. and izubb is on his back.)

Izuku turned his head to glance at you. He gently smiled.

'how did I get so lucky...?' he thought, as he analyzed your facial features before mere moments later realizing what he was doing.
Izuku blushed, and covered his face before turning to the side opposite to you.

He looked over on his bedside table, where his phone was sitting, charger plugged. Izuku reached for it, successfully grabbing it and retracting his hand, which was carrying the device. He turned the small piece of technology on, checking the time before turning it off, he then returned to the position facing you. Then leaned to plant a kiss...

On your forehead.
which was enough to kiiiinda wake you up, but not really. You were still, of course, half asleep.

"Mmh.." you mumbled, scrunching your face a little bit because of the light. "Go back to sleep..." you turned over. Now your back was facing him.

"O-Oh, but we need to get up eventually, (Y/n)!" Izuku tried to reason with you. "Plus... I'm awake now, so I probably won't be able to sleep anymore..." he trailed off.

Once he didn't get a response, he assumed you were asleep, the head of broccoli quietly sighed before putting an arm around your waist.

'I guess I'll try and force myself to sleep then...'

/ timeskip; a few hours later...

You woke up, and the first instinct was to check on your phone.

'Now.. where is it?' you began searching around for your phone.

It was on the floor, and it took a while for you to see and realize that it was on the carpet all along. So when you did you picked it up, and checked the time.


You turned, and didn't see your boyfriend anywhere.

"bItCh- wHa-" you yelled almost immediately, stopping yourself and began to place a hand on the spot, which, in turn felt some warmth from it

You quickly got out of bed and dressed yourself up before heading down.

What you saw was quite interesting!

"A wild Izuku in their natural habit, currently sitting, watching their pray–"

Dramatic pause.

"A...phone." You finished off in your best British narrator voice.

Izuku giggled at your display, then pausing the vid he was watching to properly greet you.

"Good morning! O-Or, well, I guess it really isn't morning, anymore huh...actually wait it technically could be if you wake up at noon. Morning-Noon?" He had started to mutter. Once you saw this, you left him to go off to the kitchen.

You began to take out ingredients to make some pancakes.

/timeskip; pancake batter made

You poured a good amount of batter into the pan, grabbing the handle and moving the pan around so the batter would make a solid circle. You prepared a plate and grabbed the spatula, placing the plate down on the counter close to the stovetop. Then waiting for the pancake to cook on that one side before gently going under what you hoped to be a golden top which you then flipped the pancake on its other side.

You waited, and it was about the same for waiting, honestly. Except this time you felt hair tickle your neck, as arms snaked on your stomach.

"Pancakes?" Floofy garden boi was viewing the pancake-making from over your shoulder. (sry if ure tall)

"Bingo. We're having pancakes for breakfast!" You slipped under the pancake with the spatula, placing the pancake on the plate.

"Ooh, sounds good!" Izuku then lets go of you, and observed as you do the next pancake.

After that, he tried to help you with the next batches, then deciding to make smaller pancakes. In the end. You both had fun, and your experience was filled with good conversation and kisses.

It was fun. And a good start to your day.

(A/N: okay i felt the ending was a bit rushed but I wanted to get this chapter out today like i promised, haha.

so, sorry for the wait...

also!! BIG NOTE!! this might be the last thing of 'fluff' or whatever you call this. next time, expect some angst.

been wanting to try writing angst. ive never wrote anything sad before, that wasn't cringy and just made me laugh in general)

word count: 700+ minus the A/Ns

time taken: 2-3 days if i didn't procrastinate. i like procrastinating.

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