- cabin issues.

85 3 13

WARNING(S): uwusnatch??

prompt/idea | "love, it's cold."

(new format, hope you like!)

"H-Hey! D-Don't scare me like that!"



You woke up, it being literally in the middle of the day.

How do you know this? Uh.... the sun. Or your phone. Whichever works.

Your little green bean boi had an arm protectively over your waist, he held you close to his bare chest. Oh, what was that? Oh. Sorry.

His bare, muscular chest. Also littered with scars.

That's right. He thicc. Scarred thicc boi.

Anyway, moving on—

Under the cream sheets, on the soft, warm bed. The bed stood inside your small little cabin situated in the mountain view outside. Said view came with a price, which was the mountains being cold. Anytime you had to go outside you had to dress with warm clothing.

You guys were on vacation. Every hero needs a vacation! At least, that's what you thought. Pfft. It was correct.

A correct thought. Doesn't make sense but we'll work with it.

After a couple of tries of trying to get up and get breakfast. You gave up, and eventually...

You fell asleep.


It was fluffy and comfortable.

Also Izu is very much a heavy sleeper.

word count: 271

time taken: a few minutes

Easy. i had writer's block. iwrote this quickly in bed.

i saw some writing prompts and that got me ideas. plz take this as payment for your wait. im sorry. the next chapters will be longer!

i hope you like the new formatting, and mos timportantly, i hopedyou enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

cya space cowboy.

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