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(A/N: was in a mood to write something short 'n sweet for rainy day with izuwu.

because i know a certain someone would love it haha.

the background for me that made me write this one is because it was raining outside and i had to go out to the convenience store. it started to pouring when i got inside the house, so id  like to say that i was lucky.

thunder everywhere. *shiver* also, i always provide music in the second tab, so you can play that. lowercase intended for aesthetics, and i think itd fit the mood a bit more.)
Hope you enjoy!
it was absolutely pouring outside when you just barely got inside of the store, but luckily, you brought your umbrella, which you used accordingly.

skies outside covered in dark grey clouds, blocking out the sun and making it gloomy. the skies itself were its usual blue color, except that they were perhaps a little more of a worn out jeans color. raindrops heavy-hitting cars, it sounded like they damaged them, but it was only just a simple light tap on their metal. the dark sky would be occasional light up in white, or lighter colors, due to the lightning striking sometimes occurring once in a few seconds or minutes. it was good, though. since the sun wasn't out and it was a bit cooler, today was supposed to be sunny and clear skies. if it was different... perhaps it wouldn't be chilly. plus, it was calming to you.

you would stay inside but you had to go pick up some random food item that you and your emerald-eyed boyfriend, izuku, wanted to try.

and once you got to the store, your jade fluff called you just as you were trying to get the umbrella all raveled. once you were done, you picked up, and walked to the first aisle.

"hello..?" a sleepy voice on the other side of the line almost immediately spoke first, "(y/n)...? you there? where are you?"

"well, you know that thing we saw and you wanted to try it, but we were broke couldn't buy it?" you strolled over to another aisle, while speaking on the phone. "i got paid a little money from my job, so now we can buy it." you took a large step back, with the other foot still in front, before returning to your normal position and walking around. phone in hand. you didn't see any of it.

worse, you forgot which flavor it was, but you thought it was something sweet or something. it's packaging was really weird looking.

"i'm at the convenience store, but it doesn't look like they got anything. bummer." you sighed.

a yawn could be heard from your boyfriend, "mmh, why didn't you wake me up so i could go with you?" izuku  asked you, with a tone that was mostly worry but with sort of undertone of annoyance.

"i, uh... you seemed like you were having a great sleep, and i didn't want to wake you up so early in the morning just to go to the store." you picked up some funyuns and some jalapeño chips. (Kettle Cooked, dunno if they have 'em in Japan.) just so your visit to the store wasn't totally pointless and a waste of time.

"(y/n), it's raining outside..." izu informed you.

"yes, yes.. i know, i know." you walked up to the counter. "well, i have to go. see you whenever you wake up." you placed your 2 items on the counter, before you were barely grabbing on to the items, since you were holding on to your still-wet umbrella. in your other hand you hung up the phone before you put it in your coat pocket.

the cashier took your selected items and scanned them, which he put in a bag. he told you the price, you paid, and he gave you the bag.

"thank you! have a nice day!" you said to the quiet cashier. and you heard a faint "you too." before going out, doors sliding open. you opened your umbrella, and walked home.

it was kind of a short walk. silent, save for the constant taps of rain hitting your umbrella.

now walking to your shared house, you closed the umbrella since the door had a bit of the roof overhanging that covered it. you switched the umbrella to your bag hand, then grabbed your house keys, and unlocked the door. you took a few steps inside.

"im home!" you yelled, setting the umbrella... somewhere, you took off your shoes and left them on a mat by the door, next to izuku's iconic red shoes. then took off your rain gear, leaving you in your 'morning. im still sleepy but w/e' clothes. witness the almighty bed head!

you then made your way to the kitchen, setting the bags on the counter which you began to remove the contents out, placing them on the marble surface.

and that was when you heard heavy distant footsteps. you passed it off as nothing and carried on with your day.

you put the plastic bag away. heading over to the pantry to grab a croissant you got at some bakery. you put it on plate, because you're lazy and didn't wanna make it fancy. you picked up your croissant and trotted over to the couch.

"boo." or not.

just right when you turned around, you got scared by mr. shinsō eyebags.

or, well, your boyfriend.

"aAH! stAAAHP!! u almost made me drop my croissant!" you jumped, tilting your plate croissant a lot, but it didn't fall. you stressed on the 'croissant' part.

"oup. sorry babe.." he puts his arms around your waist, pulling you closer in a hug. "missed you." he tiredly mumbled.

you tried your best to hug him back with one arm since your other hand was holding onto the plate of croissant goodness. didn't wanna waste it by dropping it on the dirty floor.

"i wasnt gone that long, was i?" you asked, which the questions kind of just floated in air, unanswered.

still in the hug, and in awkward silence.. you broke the ice.

"glad to be back, izuku."


(A/N: hi, hope you enjoyed! don't really have much to say but thanks to you for reading. this isnt the end and there's more to come, from me.

so ahh... yeah. hehe, stay tuned for the next part. lemme know which parts were your favorites~

give me feedback. and, i dont mind my notifs being abused, whatever comments = motivation.

anyway, have a nice day/time!)

word count: 900+ words minus the A/Ns

time taken: 2 days (sry 4 the w8!)

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