- warmth.

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WARNING(S): cute shit on the tracks. get off the train if you can't handle it! (atleast my try at being cute since idk how lol it's probs not cyute thoo)

prompt/idea | snowy day, snowy day. What will we do without you??

(enjoy some fluff!(?))

"d-do y-you wanna c-cuddle..?"

"ooh!! Cuddles!!"


You were watching a movie with your bestie-since-childhood, but you both ended up accidentally falling asleep. Waking up in the afternoon in Izu's arms. Or, well, what you thought initially. Instead you were in his bed. In a burrito.

burrito boi!! YEEEE!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!

Anyway, you were curled up with blankets.

He must've slept outside and carried you to his room to sleep in. That was nice of him. But really, Izuku didn't have to do that, honestly.

But, well, he did.

You looked around the All Might fanboy's room. And of course, it was riddled with a whole bunch of figures. You unrolled yorusrlfform the burrito, finally gaining freedom, you stretched a little bit before pushing yourself up from the fluffy and comfortable warm bed.

It was cold in the room, and the window out showed a whole bunch of gray, like, shadow.

You went to look, and the top edge you could sort of see through, since the gray stuff was on it.

You exited out from the room, deciding to take one of his green hoodies with you. Sure, it was, of course, a little big on you, but you didn't mind all that much.

There he was, in all his glory, sleeping on the couch. The lights were turned off, and the only light source cutting through the dark like a sharp knife was the TV, so he must've fallen asleep watching... the weather channel or something. You didn't know, nor cared for that matter.

What a cutie.

You woke the garden boy up, and he literally woke up about to punch you.

"woah, woah, woah! It's me, it's me! Stand down!" You put your hands up to protect yourself.

"(y/n)..? oh, gosh, I'm so sorry, I felt someone shake me and i thought someone broke in..." izu-kun would trail off awkwardly. He was a little embarrassed. He pushed himself to sit up on the couch.

"Izu, who would wake up someone whose house they're breaking into? That's like, far from what they want." You stated, matter-of-factly.

"w-well! y-you never know...!" Izuku mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

You scoffed. Then tuned in on the TV, the faint noise being the single one.

Like you. Single.

'Hey, author! Stoppit! I am not single!!'

Oh, yes you are. Know how i know? bc im the author. c:


I cant believe you're still single, hon. You got good looks and you know it! Fabulous!

Anyway, back to the story....

You grabbed the remote, and turned up the volume.

"toDAY, THE—" too loud. TOO LOUD!

You turned it down just a noopity doo.


Perfect volume.

Izuku made room for you to sit on the couch, moving his All Might blanket with him that he got from who knows where. You sat, and you both watched and listened to what the weather guy had to say.

"So right here, you'll see that Sunday here it's going to be snowing, so bundle up with all your blankets and comforters and hot cocoa. It's going to be colder, too, so, now you're really need that warmth."

'warmth.' You thought, 'where can i get warmth?' You looked around.

"Izuku..?" You said aloud. Oops.

"Yes, (Y/n)..?"

Oh. Well. You said it, now you might aswell go all in, right? I mean, you got his attention...

You thought for a moment, constructing your words carefully.

"dO yA wANnA cUdDLe?" Your voice cracked.

"wh-what!?" Izuku blushed.

"do ya wanna try cuddling? ill be the big boi spoon if you don't want to." You asked, fearlessly. What a brave soldier.

Izuku was a little confused. Scratch that, he was a little groggy, but he hesitated.

"A-Are... are you really sure..?" He'd ask.

"Pff, whats so outlandish about cuddling to you, Izu-yeet?" You immediately threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around his clothed torso. "Hug me."

Again, Izu hesitated, but he returned the hug.

Later, you guys cuddled.

That's what frens do, right?


word count: 830 words

time taken: months, because procrastination! hah-hah!!

good lord it feels like years since I've wrote in this book, sorry if it seemed rushed, i just did a quickie 1 hour finish because i text fast and i can get this chapter out faster

Sorry for keeping y'all waiting, my dear readers.

anyway, yeah I've been procrastinating a lot, sorry about that. and yeah i admit to my crimes of abandonment and neglectance.

punish me however you wish and see fit.

i hope you all have a wonderful day! ^^

and i also hope you enjoyed haha

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