- everything will be...

126 4 68

Definitely a gore warning.
1st | (Y/N)'s Perspective

Hum... Where do I start? Well, okay.. I think I have a basic idea of how to explain... Um.. Okay.

so this begins when we, actually it's more like I, got a call from the agency in the middle of the night, saying I was needed, so I quickly got outta bed. This was about where Izuku woke up and sleepily asked me what I was doing, and if I had a nightmare. I lowered my phone.

"Nah, I got a call from the agency just now, they told me they needed me at some address. Probably some late part time crook.. So... uh.. I'm heading there now."

"Oh! I'll come with you!" he says, suddenly wiping off all that grogginess he could've had, but he still had a hint of sleep in his voice. I nod.

"Aw, but you don't have to..." A small smirk tugs on the corners of my lips.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, and plus, I don't see why not, anyway." Izuku got up, voicing his concern before getting up.

I nod again before I trotted my way to the door to respect his privacy, where I waited for him to get all ready.

The hero agency had given me an address, which I had to remember when I wrote it down on some random paper I ripped from the counter.

It was weird because I'd usually never get any calls off-duty, let alone a night, even, but I guess heroes never get a break...

Izuku was quick to come over to me, in his own hero costume. Oh. Boy, did he look handsome as heelllll- okay, calm down, me, don't check him out now... but mmm that damn costume. Ah, wait, wait- um- he's an innocent bean- oh-

where was I? Oh, um, huh, right.. He opened the door, and waved a go ahead for me to go first. I love this man. I took the address paper from where I placed it, after that, I walked out of the door.

We began heading to the address when Izu strolled ahead, and I had to run to catch up to him.

It took a while, but we held a good conversation as we walked. After the chat ended, all we heard was rain pouring, and our own steps as we began to run. The puddles making splish splash noises as the shoes clamped down on the wet grounds.

I began wondering why suddenly the agency called me late, why so sudden in the night. I asked myself if it was urgent enough to call two heroes (or, really, just one.) on to get just one villain. I couldn't help but ask myself 'Was it really that important?'

It probably must have been urgent if they'd called at around midnight or something.

When we arrived at the scene, there were many people severely injured, and many others were most likely dead. They laid in a crimson puddle of blood, if it totally wasn't obvious from their wounds.

It was a horrible sight to see. I could smell death... and taste it, too.

Death was near. This villain is definitely dangerous, all these bodies were here, but no baddy in sight. I started to walk around, a weapon in hand, looking ahead of me for that villain.

"Deku. Let's stay together, splitting up might be a bad idea..." I told my partner.


"Deku...?" I turned to where Izuku was at.

Or so I thought he was.

Once I saw he was not there. My eyes widened, and I thought the worst had happened.

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