- "i-is th-this a d-d-date?!"

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(A/n: ayy?? Bros and bro-ettes! how is your day?? good?? Bad?? Sorry to hear..

new characters, and I'll try to make my best impressions of them. this is a little sloppy, so sorry.

i have read a bunch of articles on jpn food because ionly know a few off of my mind... just in case..
anyway, enjoy reading!!)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY AREN'T TOGETHER YET???" Mina bursted out, yelling from the 'girl gossip' table.

Everybody in the lunchroom turned to them, in a mix of confusion and in question.

"calm down!" Hagakure giggled, as she patted Mina's back, trying to calm her down. Or, to make her stop yelling so much.

At the table, there was all the girls from class 1-A, some were eating and sometimes talking, some quiet, and some who are literally loud and not eating anything at all. Sometimes.

Meanwhile, you were peacefully eating lunch, 'kind' of blushing at the topic currently at the table. Sat in the somewhat-comfortable seat that was accompanied with the table. You were sure it wasn't hard to overhear what the pink girl was saying from other tables. By this time, people turned and just ate. Ochaco and Momo giggled at the display.

"I cannot chill! I have lost the chill!!!" Alien queen slammed the table. SLAMMED IT. "Why aren't they together, yet?? They're legit taking foreverrr and it's getting too obvs that they be havin' droppin' uwus left 'n right, yo!!" She made fake 'gang' signs. Like a mix of Present Mic and Iida. Maybe not Present Mic too much, but it's a mix.

You looked at your other friend, Tsuyu with a weirded out and questioning look, and side-nodded your head to Mina. Like saying 'what the fuck is going on with her'

You had a writing pad and pencil with you on standby, since you couldn't speak with them. And you were sure they didn't understand sign, either. Which was fine. It was life for you. You just had to take a few to write and show it to them.

"They would make a cute couple..." Froppy put a finger on her chin, thinking about it.

You frantically grabbed your notepad and quickly wrote, "what, there's no way it'd happen. What with me too scared to even make a move!" You showed it to them, one hand on the notebook, and you looked down at the table.  It somewhat hid the blush you had.

Jirō reads it. "Then you need to grow a pair, man up, and tell one another that 'hey, i like you. Date me.' It isn't that hard." She responds, almost in a bored tone. The emo took in a nice stick-full of rice into her mouth.

"Right??? They would be soo cute together! It's on my list of ships!" Mina clasped her hands together, grinning widely.

You took the book and made the object face you, you slowly wrote.. forming the Japanese characters...

Then you showed them.

"That's the problem. I can't. It's not that easy! Can't you see? I don't want to lose the bond and friendship we have now. And even if I did have the guts, I don't want to get rejected.

Also, I'm not a man. I don't got balls, either." You had wrote down.

"Yeah, seriously. You have NONE." Jirō sort of let out a small laugh as she said that, and as she finished.

"I could give you advice!" Ochaco offered, her smile literally killing your eyes. Ow.

You nod, putting your notebook down before clasping your hands together, and bowing slightly. Kinda like saying 'yes, please!'

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