- a little more than coffee.

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(A/N: this was born from my mom teaching me how to make coffee, for the second time. coffee has the opposite effect on me, so i finish a cup and I miight get tired. got some good coffee, though. i love my mom very much.

i was planning this before i was even drinking the coffee!! so now ill expand on this idea, please enjoy. also please play song(s) provided to you at second tab~)
Coffee Shop AU

You were walking in the streets of Japan, trying to find a certain coffee shop your friend recommended you.

Particularly cold today, you had some warmer clothes on to keep you nice 'n toasty. It was a good day to get a nice hot drink from the coffee shop.

Mm, it was very early when you went to work. Your boss was very strict and had been hard on you and your co-workers. She is good gal at heart, or, used to be.

She would be too disorganized and overwhelmed that it begins to tear her apart at the base of her personality. It roots to even the things she'll do. Being an inverted version of herself. Imagine all that stress, now. And she takes all that stress on you and your worker friends.

Starting with, dumping what she was too lazy/didn't want to do onto you. The big problem was that the ones that were pretty important stuff that had deadlines, and it was some major manager stuff. You aren't a manager, just some regular receptionist. The not too important ones were given sometimes to you but mostly to your co-worker friends.

And you didn't know why she just had this sudden grudge on you??? You didn't do anything to her, atleast, you didn't think so.

You all of course, reacted every usual person with a bad boss would.

'I absolutely hate my boss.' You thought.

Here you were now, after work, walking down a few streets away from the coffee shop, your backpack that you had bounced with every step you took, either subtly or roughly shaking the contents inside.

The streets were so busy that you'd always bump into people. You were protective of your backpack because it had your computer in it, which led you to take it off and basically give it a nice hug all the way to the coffee shop.

You saw the decently-sized shop and made your way quickly through all the people just to go inside.

As you opened the door, you heard the gentle bell on it ring, as cold breezes passed through before the door closed and

The shop was literally nothing like outside. It's quiet, save for maybe a few people chatting, and some faint old-timey music playing in the background. It wasn't too busy, either.

There were maybe 10 or if not more people either sitting alone, casually drinking their selected refreshment. Others, were sitting with their significant other or friend, just casually gossiping and yapping away, half empty cups on the table being neglected.

"Hey there, miss!" A mysterious voice suddenly spoke, probably addressing you. The voice sounded a little raspy, and rough, but his tone of voice was oh so full of energy.

You jumped in alarm then turned around, and seeing the male employee facing you. His bright smile literally radiating, his aura offering a sense of... enthusiasm, and it seemingly was a very joyful one. You also can't help but notice his teeth are a close resemblance to a shark's.

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