02; The Avengers

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2015 Airborne
"Agent Rogers."

THE AVENGERS WERE NOW ASSEMBLED on the way back to Stark Towers, which Tony had made into a Tower for all of them to assemble at. Clint was hooked to an IV to keep him stable until they made it back so that he could be worked on and lead to a full recovery, probably by Tony or Doctor Banner.

"Okay... so Nikita, you're still the newest member, we don't know that much about you. You're Natasha's twin sister, and you're also a S.H.I.E.L.D. Shadow... but you've been in New Mexico and London?" Tony Stark asked, turning around in his seat.

"Yeah... uh, Katherine and Fury found me and Nat, brought us to S.H.I.E.L.D. once I found out about my abilities, I had to find out more about them because I didn't know I had them. They scared me when I first used them. To keep me safe, Nat, Fury, and Katherine set me up in New Mexico, only called me when they absolutely needed me. I went to London after I met Thor in 2011 because I was tracking readings from open portals of the Bifrost..." Nikita trailed when everyone but Thor looked confused.

"...I went to London looking for Thor because he hadn't come back like he promised after New York, I was trying to keep it less embarrassing for the both of us," Nikita said.

"So, if you fought in New York with us... why were you hidden for so long?" Tony asked.

"We had to hide her because Anthony, you're not the only genius in the room. Nikita's of high intelligence. With her powers and her knowledge, we didn't want her to get caught up with the wrong people and used as a weapon, because she's not one." Katherine said. Nikita gave her a grateful smile.

"Well, you were definitely helpful in New York. I presume that was your second encounter with Loki?" Steve asked and Nikita shrugged.

"Yeah... he was a problem in New Mexico, but... he didn't actually show up. Speaking of Loki..." Nikita trailed off as she looked at Katherine and Natasha. "When I was in Asgard, I slapped Loki for the two of you... and Barton, but he's you know, unconscious." She said, which made Katherine and Natasha laugh. Thor grabbed her gloved hand and brought her to the back of the jet, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Nikita... I just wanted to tell you again that I'm sorry I didn't back after New York like I said I would." Thor said. Nikita smiled at him and she laid her gloved hand down on his cheek. Thor smiled at her and put his hand on top of hers.

"It's okay, you're here now. That's what matters to me." Nikita said. Thor leaned forward and kissed her forehead which made her smile.

"Are you mad at me for hiding the fact that I was related to Natasha and a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?" She asked, and Thor shook his head. He leaned down to give his love a kiss, which made her smile.

"I could never be mad at you." He said. The two of them continued to gaze at each other when Natasha looked over and cleared her throat.

"Thor, report on the Hulk," Natasha said, breaking their gaze. She was sitting in front of Banner, who hated when he became the Hulk because he hated feeling like he was losing control, and he didn't like thinking about how he might hurt innocent people if he lost control.

"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims," Thor said, raising his fist up. Katherine wanted to laugh, but then she saw Banner put his head in his hands, so she hit Thor on his shoulder, while Natasha gave him a sharp look.

"But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining, and tales of sprained deltoids and gout." Thor said, stumbling over his words, and that made Katherine and Nikita laugh.

Outsmarted || STEVE ROGERS [4]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz