11; Fallen

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2015 Sokovia, Eastern Europe
"Well. . like the old man said. . together."

The Avengers were now assembled where Ultron had set up the vibranium, that if he pulled a certain lever early, it would drop the entire rock and billions of people could die, so their new task was why everyone was being evacuated onto S.H.I.E.L.D.'s lifeboats, they needed to keep Ultron and his new wave of robots away from the vibranium.

"Romanoff. You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini." Tony spoke, which made Katherine laugh as she continued to tear through Ultron's robots.

"Relax, shellhead. Not all of us can fly." Natasha said. She was taking out robots on a truck, driving to meet the rest of the Avengers, and when she did, she looked at Stark. "Where's the drill?" She asked.

"That's the drill." Tony said, pointing to it. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Tony said. Hulk came down and smashed a robot, before joining everyone else inside, and then Ultron came in front of them.

"Is that the best you can do!?" Thor shouted. Katherine felt like they were going to regret him asking that question. Ultron put a hand in the air, and on cue, what seemed like several dozen more robots came running out towards them. Katherine looked at Thor and sighed.

"You had to ask." She said. Thor looked back at her, and she shook her head, which made them both crack a smile before they turned back to Ultron.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" He said.

"Well. . like the old man said. . together." Tony said. The Hulk let out a roar and then the real battle was on. The robots charged the Avengers and they were each all able to take them out and keep them away from the drill. Gun shots, electricity, blasts from Iron man, Nikita, Thor and Vision, gave them the means they needed to take down all of the robots.

Once the robots saw Ultron get defeated, they all started to flee. "They'll try to leave the city." Thor said.

"We can't let them, not even one. Rhodey." Tony called out for his best friend who had joined the fight when S.H.I.E.L.D. came.

"I'm on it." Rhodey said.

"We've got to move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats. I'll sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you." Steve said.

"What about the core?" Hawkeye asked.

"I'll protect it. It's my job." Wanda Maximoff said.

"Nat, this way." Clint said, and they walked off. Steve looked at his wife.

"Go with them." He said, and she shook her head which made him sigh. "Katherine. .-" She cut him off.

". .-Steve, you're my husband. I don't get off this rock until you do. You're not going to win this argument with me, so let's just make sure no one else is on this rock and then get the hell off of it." She said. Steve nodded his head, as they both ran off together to make sure there were no more people that needed to be evacuated.

"Is this the last of them?" Thor asked the couple when they regrouped at a life boat. Steve and Katherine both nodded their heads. They did a sweep and didn't see any other people left on the rock, so it was time to go. Nikita also stood near the lifeboat and she looked at Thor.

"Yeah, everyone else is on the carrier." Katherine said.

"Stark and I are going to blow this rock. Get on the carrier, get to safety and I will come back to you." Thor said to Nikita, laying a hand on her waist.

"Why does it sound like you're telling me goodbye?" She asked.

"This is far from goodbye, my love." He said to her. Nikita leaned in and pressed her lips against Thor's, while he squeezed her waist while kissing her back, when the two of them broke apart, she laid a hand on his soot-filled cheek.

"I love you." She said. Thor leaned in to give her another kiss.

"And I love you." He responded.

"You know, this works, we maybe don't walk away." Tony said into the coms.

"Maybe not." Thor said.

Then gunshots came flying through the area. Steve grabbed Katherine and moved her down to the ground, while holding her under him to make sure that she didn't get hit. Katherine and Steve then ran to Clint who had a little boy with him, but noticed that Pierto was dead. Even though the twins started off not on their side, it still made Katherine sad to see him dead, because they had come through in a big way for the Avengers.

Steve carried Pierto back to the life boat, while Clint reunited the little boy with his mother before taking a seat. Steve then looked at his wife and laid his hands down on her cheeks. "Please, get on the life boat." He said to her, and she shook her head.

"Not without you." Katherine said. She was on the boat, but Steve wasn't, and then she noticed the rock starting to fall. "Steve!" She screamed, but he was already in the air. Steve jumped up and made the landing on the boat just in time, and Katherine immediately pulled him into her arms while shaking her head.

"Don't ever be that stupid again." She whispered, kissing his forehead. Steve leaned up and grabbed her cheeks before pulling her into a kiss. The fierceness of it caught the brunette off guard, but she eased her way into it. Another kiss that left her breathless when they pulled away.

"I love you, Kath." He whispered to her.

"I love you more, Cap. . let's go get our kids."

Aw, short chapter, I know, but there's going to be one more.

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