12; The New Avengers

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2015 Upstate New York
"Elevator's not worthy."

There was a new Avengers headquarters, since the Avengers Towers had been ripped apart, and that's where all the Avengers were, except Clint. He stayed at home, and no one knew where Banner was. They couldn't track the aircraft he was in because it was in slealth mode. Katherine felt bad for Natasha, because she knows how hard it was for her to open herself up to be vulnerable with someone like that.

"The rules have changed." Steve said to Thor, Katherine and Tony Stark as they were all walking together. Tony was holding Amaya in his arms because she had demanded to be held by her Uncle Tony, while Thor had Christian on his shoulders because Christian thought his cape was cool.

"We're dealing with something new." Stark said.

"Oh, the Vision is artificial intelligence." Katherine said. They were talking about how Vision was able to pick up Thor's hammer, but the rest of them still couldn't.

"A machine, so it doesn't count?" Steve asked.

"No, it's not like a person lifting the hammer." Tony said.

"Right, different rules for us. I mean Nic can lift it. She's not artificial intelligence. She's just. . intelligence." Katherine said, pointing over at Tony.

"Nice guy. Artificial. Nic, sweet girl, apparently worthy." Tony said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Thank you." Steve said.

"He can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone. It's safe with the Vision. And these days, safe is in short supply." Thor said, and the moment fell silent for a second as they all thought about his words.

"But if you put the hammer in an elevator. .-" Katherine cut her husband off.

". .-It would still go up." She said.

"Elevator's not worthy." Steve said, shaking his head, the whole conversation was making Thor laugh, because the three of them really wanted to know how it was possible.

"I'm gonna miss these little talks of ours." Thor said, taking Christian off of his shoulders. "And I'm gonna miss my main man." He said, putting Christian on his father's shoulders.

"Not if you don't leave, Thor." Katherine said. Thor looked at her and smiled, but he shook his head.

"I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. And once all these pieces are in position. ." Thor trailed off.

"Triple Yahtzee." Tony said.

"You think you can find out what's coming?" Katherine asked, as Tony handed her daughter back to her, so he could put on his sunglasses.

"I do. Besides this one." Thor said, putting a hand on Tony's chest before continuing. "There's nothing that can't be explained." Thor said, Katherine laughed at his comment about Tony.

Nikita was outside, waiting for them, and Thor walked up to her once he saw her. "You coming with me?" He asked her.

"As much as I would love to tour the Nine Realms in search of the Infinity Stones, I think I'm going to stay here for a little bit." Nikita said. Thor nodded his head, before leaning down to give her a kiss.

"You know I always come back." He said.

"Maybe this time, I'll come find you." She said. Thor chuckled, laying his palm down on her hair, gazing at her with a tenderness in his eyes. He's never loved anyone the way he loves her.

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