Enjoying To Get Lost (Lando Norris)

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Hey guys 👋🏻
First of all I'm sorry for being inactive again. I've been working on stories and already finished four of them but a good friend of mine, Katie F1Fanatic02, which always proof reads my stories is really busy and I didn't want to publish them without her reading through them. I wrote this story for her aswell cause she requested it. But anyways, now I found someone else who volunteered to read through my stories. Thanks to you lynchftsimpson 😘
The last thing I want to say is thank you very much for 800 reads and always feel free to request stories if you want. If you like the stories I'd be really happy if you'd vote for them or leave a nice comment 🤭

Words: 1259

I was walking down the beach in the dawn of a beautiful day. My family and I went on vacation and today was our second day here. We went on  a sight seeing tour though the city but as we've visited a marked I got lost because way too many people had been there. I'm not the tallest person so my family quickly lost me out of their sight. I've been waiting there but even as the market got empty more and more I didn't see them. They probably must've continued their tour and texted me where I should meet them but unfortunately I didn't got any signal with my phone so we couldn't stay in contact. And as that wouldn't be enough, no, I didn't even know how to find my way back to the house we've lent for the time we'd stay there.

That's how I lend on the beach. I just passed it as I tried to find my way. I really loved the beach and because I wouldn't find the way anyways I decided to go down there and at least enjoy my time. First I walked close to the wonderful turquoise ocean but I was walking around the whole day so my feet hurt badly. So I sat down there, my sight in the direction of the water, watching the waves moving slowly on the horizon. The atmosphere has been so silent and innocent like nothing bad could ever happen to this wonderful place. You could hear some birds from far away and obviously the waves splashing out there. I felt so comfortable out here, no rude or arguing people around me, no one is constantly hanging on their phones like they'd rule their life and I could just enjoy my time how I liked it. I was stuck in my thoughts as I felt a warm hand on my slightly freezing shoulder.

I happily turned around, hoping that I'd see my family or even one member of my family but instead of seeing my family beautiful blue-greenish eyes faced me.
"Can I help you?" he asks with his charming accent. "You're sitting there looking so lost and lonely... I'm Lando" he smiles at me shyly.
I can't react differently than being stunned with my breath taken away.
"I...I...." I began to stutter.
Of course I knew who he was. Lando Norris, one of my favorite racing drivers (and not the Lando from Star Wars ;) ) who'll drive for McLaren next season. It's not easy to realize that this situation is real.
"I'm Katie" I finally answer with my cheeks turning red.
"Would it be okay if I...? “he asked my while pointing on the sand next to me and I nodd in agreement.
"It's wonderful, isn't it? The silence, that feeling of freedom and the possibility to be yourself" he rhapsodizes. Again I only nod in agreement.
"Is everything alright?" he asks me politely.
"Yeah.. It's just that you're... You know..." I began to say carefully but smiling.
"I just really like you're driving skills..." I try to save myself out of that.
"Thank you really much but apart from the track I'm just a normal guy that enjoys life" he answers happily.
"But you still didn't answer on my question if I could help you because of your lost expression" Lando continues.
"My family and I are on a vacation trip but as we've been visiting the completely overcrowded market I unfortunately got lost. First my phone didn't have any signal but now it's completely dead. But that's not bad, I really enjoy the calm beauty out here, it's so nice and peaceful" I smile drooling at the nature.
Lando smiles back at me "I've never seen a person that enjoyed getting lost that much. May I help you getting back to your family anyway?" he hesitates shortly "even though I don't want to interrupt this pretty moment".

He places his fingertips on my hand slightly. He seems to be such a romantic and nice guy but I've never had someone treating me like that before. I'm pulling my hand away slightly but fast because of that feeling of self-consciousness that moves through my whole body at once. I actually don't know how to act.
"Should I apologize? Did I misunderstood him and it was just an accident?" I ask myself.
"I... I'm sorry" I whisper blushed.
"Oh no I have to apologize, I'm sorry Katie." he answers shyly.
"It's not because of you... It's just the fact that..." I pause. "I've never had a boy treating me like you do ..." I feel a bit embarrassed in front of him to be the inexperienced outsider.
"What? But why? I mean look at you" he answers shook and makes me blush again.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to act with precipitation"
"Stop apologizing all the time" he makes me laugh and as I switch the position in which I'm sitting I accidentally touch his hand this time.

But this time I won't pull it away. He looks at me with a wide smile. We stay there enjoying our time and even though I don't want it to end I have to get back.
"How late is it?" I ask worried.
"Nearly midnight" he informes me. I'm panicking a bit, my parents will be furious.
"I have to go now Lando" I tell him unsettled.
"But where?" he laughes at me. I enjoyed our time so much that I already forgot that I got lost and don't know where to go.
"Right... I didn't think of it." I smile.
"Okay try to remember anything surrounding the place you stay in" he tries to help me.
"We stay in a small house in a housing estate near the old part of the city" I describe to him.
"I guess I could have an idea about which housing estate you're talking" he stands up and offers me his hand to get up too.

Of course I'm laying my hand in his and take his help happily. I'm smiling in response to thank him and whisper a little "thank you".
Hand in hand we start walking together. We pass the huge market, walk next to great and beautiful old buildings and landmarks, and finally reach a part of the old part of the shopping area I remembered. We talked and joked a lot on our way. I've always been a huge fan of that old school romantic stuff and actually never thought that something like love on the first sight would really happen to me even though it was the thing I always dreamed of. As we're bimbling through the shopping area Lando randomly stops next to a flower store to grab a bouquet of beautiful lighting red roses out of a big tin vase filled with flowers. He wants to present me the flowers but I can't take his offer.
"It's okay, don't worry. I know the owner of the store, he's a good friend of my family" he looks at me with a charming smile I simply can't resist. I grab the flowers and smell their beautiful odour.
"Thank you really really much Lando, they're stunningly beautiful" I say as I give him a shy hug.

Of course he accompanies me all the way until we reach the entrance door of our house. We farewell each other with another close hug and exchange some information to stay in contact. Before he left me he places a small and shy kiss on my cheek.

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