Saw You With Another Guy (Lando Norris)

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This story was requested by lynchftsimpson, which proof reads my stories atm. Enjoy reading the story and tell me what you think about it if you want to
Atm I'm kinda out of ideas for more stories so if you have any wishes or ideas what or about who I could write next please let me know 😊


Perspective Lando

I'm walking down the beautiful streets of Monaco. The team and I are staying here for some PR events and also to do some preparation and training for the upcoming races. I've been training the whole morning but since the weather is stunningly beautiful my girlfriend (Y/N) and I have decided to meet outside as soon as I finished my training session.

After I got ready I took a quick shower and got ready to meet her at her favorite place. A beautifully flourishing park near the stunning turquoise ocean (I don't know if a place like that exists there, just imagine it would). The closer I get to her the more excited I get and I can't hold myself back from nearly running through the streets with a huge smile on my lips.

After a while I finally arrive there. She's sitting on one of the brown wooden benches we're always spending time at but this time I can see another guy sitting right next to her. As I step closer I recognize Charles. They're obviously having much fun together as you can hear from their laughter and see in their faces. Alone from the way he looks at my girl you can tell he's obviously attracted to her but the shine in her eyes doesn't deny my assumption.
Overwhelmed by too many feelings rushing through my body I turn around to leave before they even have a chance to see me. Anger, disappointment, sadness and much more bothers my mind as I'm on my way back to the apartment we're staying at.

Your perspective

In the morning I had much time to get ready on my own since Lando was busy with work. I made me some breakfast, took a long and warm shower, put on some nice summery clothes on and applied some makeup to my face.
After I got ready I decided to take a walk through the beloved streets of the town I halfway grew up at since I had lots of time left until Lando and I wanted to meet. My family and I had to come here quite often since my parents had to work here every once in a while. As I stop, leaning against a tree in the park where Lando and I planned to meet, I feel a pair of warm arms wrapping around me and soft hands laying down over my eyes.
"Quis suis-je?" ("Who am I?" sorry if it's wrong, I haven't spoken French in a while) a very known voice sounds behind me.
"Chaaaarles" I squeak in excitement as I turn around to pull him into a hug. We've known each other since we were children. We got to know each other through our parents which met at a meeting one time. Every time I've been here again we tried to meet each other as much as possible.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him confused.
"I live here, did you already forget that?" he laughs at me.
"I'm the one who should asked confused what you're doing here" he's raising an eyebrow.
"Lando is here to do some stuff for work and took me with him. I'm waiting here for him cause we wanted to meet here... Don't you want to wait with me?" I add after explaining the situation to him.
Charles and I are having much fun together
We're laughing and joking much, telling stories about the past time in which we haven't spoken to each other and enjoy time while waiting. But strangely Lando doesn't seem to appear here. I'm waiting for him for hours before I decide to leave. I farewell Charles with another hug and disappointed and sad I make my way back to the apartment.

I can spy Lando laying on the couch, a movie playing on the TV but he doesn't pay attention to it. Engrossed in thoughts he's playing with his phone. "Lando" I start the sadness prominent in my voice "why didn't you come?"
"I didn't want to disturb the two of you, you had seemingly much fun without me" he grumbles at me dryly without his sight leaving his phone.
Shyly I move closer to my boyfriend and with my cold and shaky hands I move his hands with the phone in them aside and because of the fact he's still not looking at me I'm sitting down on his lap.
"Babe, what do you mean?" I asking shy as he's finally looking at me.
"Saw you with Charles" he answers quietly but I'm still able to hear him. He moves to sit up a bit more but surprisingly doesn't push me away.
"And? He's been accompanying me while I've been waiting for you. We haven't really spoken in a while and I've been really happy to see him again after so much time. You know we know each other since we were little and.... Waaaait, Lando, are you jealous?" I smirk at him.
"I know... I'm so sorry babe, I'm an idiot" he now pulls me even closer to him to hug me tightly while he apologizes.
"But I still love you even though you're an idiot" I place a loving kiss on his lips.

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