Chapter 3

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A/N: Lol I'm so excited for this story but I keep changing Jason's attitude so I rewrote this three times and finally decided on how he shall react. ;) I wanted to avoid the second book having a lot of drama but this whole story is based on drama and the second book is in many ways the finale of this story that I came to love so much. ANYWAY ON WITH THY STORY!!

Edit: This is the updated pic of Jason!! His hair isn't as long in the front!

Just slightly over a year (including the month in the first book) after Max and Jason started the affair.

A year passed. A whole fucking year and he's still holding onto her.

My legs crossed under the desk. My teeth bit on my nail as my right hand tapped the pencil on the desk repeatedly. I drop the pen and ball my hand into a fist.

The only thing he complains about her is her little habits he hates. He's dropping nothing on their relationship. I would use us sleeping together again but Max would just get her to believe him and not me. But it's been a year of us doing this and he acts like he doesn't even trust me.

I sigh loudly. There has to be something behind their "happy" relationship. But what is it? I let out a bitter laugh at my own thoughts. I'm a goddamn CEO of a law firm and I can't even get the man I want. I need hard evidence.

My office phone rang and I pick it up annoyed. "Jason Royal speaking." I say.

"Seems I always catch you in a bad mood, Jason." My frown grew bigger.


My dickwad of a brother.

"What do you want?" I scuff out.

"The wedding. Mom won't leave me alone about telling you about it, so-" I end the call. I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair. What was I doing again? Oh, Max! Quickly, I grab my phone and text Max.

Me: Come to my office.
Me: You know I won't take no for an answer so don't even fight

Waiting for Max, my leg shook in anticipation. I sound like a little bitch for whining over him but he's something I can't have and I want him even more solely for that fact. My fingers tapped on the desk waiting for the secretary to call me or for Amelia to come in. The office phone rung and I put it on speaker.


"Max is here. He said he wanted to see you. I already let him in."

"Thank you." I quickly turn on my phone's recorder and slip it in my pocket.

A few seconds later, Max walked in through the doors and to the front of my desk. "You have no consideration do you?" He sighed and I smile.

"Says the one that actually came." I hum, standing up. Walking over to him, his brown eyes looked me over. I slide my hand into his and start to pull him towards my private closet filled with all the files and cases we've ever done at the law firm. I open the door and we slipped in, locking the door.

I smile as he grabbed my face, pressing his lips on mine. I groan a little, kissing back. His hands traveled down my body to grab my ass firmly. I let out a soft moan as he kissed along my neck. I slide my hands down to his pants and start to unbuckle them eagerly. "I've been dying for this." I say a bit breathless as I get his pants off.

"Really?" He growled in my ear pressing me against the shelf. I nod my head as Max started to unbuckle my pants, yanking them off. "Then we should have a lot of fun in here." Max said, picking me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him, slipping my tongue into his mouth. My arms throw themselves around his neck with my fingers digging into his hair as our lips moved against each other. Max slid his hand on my dick and started to stroke it slowly. Low, muffled moans came from me because Max stuck his tongue into my mouth. We peeled the rest of each other's clothing off finally and Max just pushed into me and started to move.

The Second Affair (MXM) (Sequel to The Affair) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now