Chapter 13

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A/N: Sup bitches. I'm finna pump out about four chapters in the next few minutes because school and work are killing me right about now sooooo 😊

Edit: Hello lovelies~ Just dying over here. I had to move all of the story onto a giant piece of paper to get my thoughts in line and the story wasn't a mess lol. Took me a minute but now it's a lot easier for me to make changes without having to change every single chapter

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask in a cold tone as I sat down in a chair.

Max licked his lips and sighed. "Can you at least pretend you want to talk to me?" He asked.

I give him a tight smile which told him my answer. "You know I would if you didn't cheat on me." Max looked down and I glare at him a little before dropping it. I can't even be mad since I cheated too.

"Listen, Jason, I regret it. I regret cheating on you, okay? It wasn't suppose to happen-"

"Just like us." I mumble, crossing my arms.

Max sighed and continued anyway. "I want to be with you, not her. It was a big mistake."

I stand up ready to end this conversation. He's just gonna break up with me so might as well tell it straight out. "Max, I slept around a lot. I fucked any decent face and you're sitting here telling me you want to be with me despite all that? We've been together for a year and I know that's what you think of me, so just get it over with." I scuff.

Max grabbed me and kissed me hard. "I don't think you're a slut, Jason." Max whispered against my lips. "You're more than that." His hands held my face close as his eyes didn't leave mine. "You're kind, worry about others, always put the closest people to you first like Amelia and Derek, so what if you slept around a lot before? That was the old you, not the current you. I love you, Jason." I go to roll my eyes but Max quickly said, "No matter how much you don't think I do. Abigail loves you. Amelia loves you. Derek loves you. I love you with everything in me."

Slowly, I push his hands off of me and sit back down quietly. Max sat down next to me and I look at him. "Jason, I . . . I really want to talk things through. I never wanted to hurt you." I nod my head, waiting for him to continue. He goes to grab my hand and I move it away. Hurt flooded his face but nodded his head as if he understood I didn't want him to touch me right now.

"What about it?" I ask.

"You know I love you right?" He quizzed softly. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes in disbelief. Max was quick to pull my face to look at him. "I do. I still love you." I bite the inside of my mouth and looked at him. Max leaned in and I lean back. His eyes looked hurt but I didn't care. "Jason, I made a mistake. Being drunk was no excuse and it never will be. But please just give me another chance. Just one more. I want to prove to you that you mean so much to me. Let me prove it." Max begged.

I look down then at his brown eyes before sighing. Might as well get it out now. "I slept with Damien." I state.

"Damien?" Max asked.

"My ex boyfriend. I slept with him on my business trip."

Max was silent. My eyes traveled over to his face to see it filled with hurt and anger, but he just quietly nodded his head. "I started it. I knew exactly what I was doing." I clear up and he licked his lips.

"I deserve it. You had every right to cheat on me after I did that to you."

I cross my arms and lean back slightly, sighing. "Max, lets do both of ourselves a favor and break up. Delete my number, give me back my key and move out. I'll give you two weeks." I stand up and start to walk towards the door. "Please go."

The Second Affair (MXM) (Sequel to The Affair) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now