Chapter 10

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A/N: In the end I passed out before I could get them out lol. ON WITH THY STORRYYY!!!!

Edit: Pic is updated pic of Max!!!!!!!!

"How are things between you and Amelia?" I ask, smoking.

Derek chuckled and smiled. "Really good. She's amazing."

"She really is." I say, blowing the light grey smoke out. "She's full of self-confidence and I love that about her."

"Definitely." Derek said. "I think . . . I think I love her." I dropped my cigarette as I looked at Derek. Holy shit. "I know we've been dating for almost half a year but I really do think I love her." Derek said happily before smirking at me. "How about you? Haven't heard anything about you and a partner. Got anyone you seriously want to date this time around? Or at least one sex buddy that you constantly go to." Derek pushed and I roll my eyes.

"God, Derek, we aren't teenage girls." I groan out, laughing, and he laughed.

"So there is someone! Tell me. Who got you to settle down for right now?" My smile dropped and I quietly smoked, looking down. "Jason?"

"Have you tried their new scotch? It's to die for. Hey, bartender!" I say, getting the bartender's attention. "Get me a glass of your new scotch. Two glasses." She nodded and walked off.


"Yeah?" I reply, smoking. Before he could talk, two glasses appeared between us. "Try it." I tease and start to drink mine. I didn't think Derek would ask about me.

"Jason, who is it?" Derek asked lowly.

"Why do you care so much about it?" I snap. "You wanna fuck me or something?"

Derek let out a hard sigh. "I'm gonna let that slide since I know you." I shrug my shoulders and drink the rest. "Tell me. It can't be that bad."

Silence swarmed between us quickly but I broke it. "Max." I answer finally. "I'm dating Max." My green eyes traveled over to Derek but he had his head in his hand, slowly rubbing his forehead.

"Please tell me you're messing with me. Max? Really?" Derek asked and I nod my head.

"We're dating."

"Why? Why do you do this to yourself?" He muttered lifting his head up. "Why are you with him of all people? You know this isn't going to end well. Both of you are gonna end up hurt."

Taking a deep breath, I say, "We decided to start over. Try to make a relationship work out." I smoke a little before continuing. "Only having sex then trying to have a relationship is difficult. It would be for anyone."

Derek sighed and took a sip of beer. "Still . . . Him? Why does it have to be him? I could introduce you to my co-worker. He's funny, bright, and definitely not an asshole. He's sincere. Anybody but Max, Jason. Anybody."

I lick my lips and tapped the ashes off lightly. "It's my life, Derek. Even though I know better, I just can't resist him no matter how hard I try. I think I might have unresolved feelings for him . . . Who knows?"

"There you go again! Where's the old Jason?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. "I'm the same as usual." I mutter.

"No you're not. Ever since you met Max, you became . . . like a lovesick person. I'm not complaining because you did stop sleeping around." Derek started and sipped on his glass of scotch. "But you're completely different person now. I don't know if it's for the better or the worst."

After Derek and I caught up, I went back home. I'm not surprised Derek doesn't like it. He even gave me his co-worker's number, Chad, and told me call him whenever I wanted. I sink into the spot next to Max and lean up against him. "Hey."

The Second Affair (MXM) (Sequel to The Affair) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now