Chapter 17

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A/N: So this dumb bitch accidentally deleted this whole chapter THAT I SORKED ON FOR WEEKS. 😢😢 BRUH IM SO PISSED BUT I've literally worked on rewriting it all night and day and here it is. ON WOTH THY STOOOTRYYH!!!!!!

Edit: I realized I fucked up the years a bit LOL. But I worked it out for it's fine!

"She just wants you to take care of her son if something happens?"

I nod my head and lean back. "I tried to say no but she started crying and hugged me. I have no fucking clue why she wants me to take care of him though." I complain. "She could've picked anyone else besides the alcoholic."

"How old is he?"

"I think she said he was 11 turning 12 soon." A hard groan escaped my throat.

"Could it be yours?"

"Mine?" I ask.

"The kid."

I let out a laugh. "No way. She got rid of it when she told me about being pregnant." I explain, playing with Abigail.

"You sure?"

"Positive. We only slept once together and I wore a condom." I say.

"If you wore one, how could she get pregnant?" Max asked grabbing Abigail out of my grasp and holding her above his head which made her giggle.

"It broke in the middle of us doing it." A sigh escaped me. "Can we just drop this? That isn't my kid and the years don't add up anyway."


I smoke quietly despite the fact I was boiling with stress. Kristina popping up asking me to take care of her kid if something happens to her completely threw me off. Now, I don't know what to do.

"Hey man, what up?" Derek said and I smile.

"Nothing much. You?"

He let out a small smile and sat down next to me. "Good, good." Derek said and I smirk.

"How are things going with you and Amelia?" I quiz and he smirked.

"We've been dating for almost three years now. Two years and nine months tomorrow."

"Congrats." I laugh and he rolled his eyes.

"How are things with you and Max?" My smile dropped and I quickly smoke. "What's happening with you guys?" Derek asked immediately.

"Nothing." I respond. Before he could say anything, I said, "That's the problem. There's nothing between us since we came back from visiting his parents. It's been a month since we saw his parents. It's frustrating as hell." I sip my beer and sigh.

"Have you guys talked about it?"

"No." I reply with a bitter laugh. "It's either sex or nothing with Max most days."

"I think-"

"Do you remember Damien?" I ask softly. Derek stopped and his eyes widened.

"Of course I do! You dated him for five years. I think that was when you were the happiest." Derek said.

"He wants to get back together with me." I say and drink. Derek's smiled dropped and he didn't say anything for a minute.

"W-well you're dating Max and you're serious about him right?" Derek said with no confidence.

I sigh and smoke more. "Of course I am. The Damien slip up in California was just me venting my anger." I blow out the grey smoke.

"What California slip up?" Derek pressed and I give him an awkward smile.

The Second Affair (MXM) (Sequel to The Affair) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now