Getting ready to Meet Chris's band's new members

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I get a phone call at 9 am. I think to myself "who the fuck is calling me at 9 bloody hell" I grab my phone and unlock it the caller is none other then my best friend Chris Motionless I answer and say " hello" he says "wake the fuck up ur meeting the band today" I say " ok wat time are u picking me up Chris" he says " 11 so be fucking ready" I say " ok damn calm ur tits" he says "ok see u when I get there" I say " ok bye" he says " bye " and hangs up I decide to take a shower I use my favorite body wash it smells like strawberries I rinse my body and my hair and climb out and blow dry my neon green hair with black tips I grab my straighter and straighten it piece by piece and do my basic makeup black eye shadow and grab my eyeliner and do it thick on the tops of my lids not that u could see it I go into my room and pull on my black tights that have MIW all over them and pull on my MIW shirt and my combat boots that come to my shins  and decide to text Angelo the drummer for Chris's band and co-finder I text him and say " hey Ang y is Chris so up for me coming to meet the band again?" He sends back "Idk we got two new members so maybe that's y" I say "oh" he answers back with "yea I'll see u when u get here" I say " see ya" he sends back the peace sign and I think to myself " wat a fucking dork!" I hear Chris pull up and hit the horn I scoop my phone up from the counter and check myself one last time and walk out and lock my front door and climb in Chris's car he looks at me and asks " ready?" I say "as I'll ever be" he starts laughing and pulls out of my driveway.

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