3 Tests

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Ghost breaks my silence by asking "do u really think u could be pregnant Anna?" I can't speak I just nod we pull up and he walks in with me I walk to the health section and grab 3 pregnancy tests and pay for them I'm in a rush I tell the cashier to keep the change and rush to the bathroom I do what I need to and wait three minutes it seems like forever but all of them say......

Josh's P.O.V.

Shit I hope she isn't pregnant I mean if she is there is no way I'm running out on her I love her with all my heart I can't leave her and the baby if she is I wanna marry this girl Anna is my life now she is my moon and my stars shit she is my whole universe I care about her more than I do music and I love being in the band.

Ghost's P.O.V.

Holy shit she could be pregnant I hope she isn't because I know that Josh might run out he told me himself he didn't want kids so young. If she is he better stick around and raise his child or I will beat his ass. Fuck Anna what have u gotten urself into.

Anna's P.O.V

Ohh my fucking god they all say positive I'm fucking pregnant with Josh's baby. I call Josh

"Hey baby how much do u love me?" "I love u with all my heart baby why?" "I'm I'm pr pregnant" "baby if ur worrying about me leaving trust me babe that's not gonna happen I'm gonna be there for u and our child I know its only been a month but I will be there for u Anna" "I love u" "I love u too do u want me to tell the guys?" " no I will" "ok baby I'll see u when u get home I love u" "I love u too Josh" I end the call and walk out to Ghost waiting for me he must see that I have been crying he asks "are u?" I nod he engulfs me in a hug and asks "when are u gonna tell Josh?" I say "I already did he seemed happy about it he told me he is gonna be there for me and our child" he nods we get in the car and head home.

So there is gonna be a baby :D I might be ending this story pretty soon so do u guys want a sequel ? Comments if yes for sequel or no comments for no sequel either way I'm probably gonna do one its just nice to know that ppl actually like this story and aren't just skimming through it and saying "this is complete shit"

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