What The Fuck Dude?

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Josh's P.O.V.

Anna is already awake when I get up she is standing at my dresser putting on one of my tee-shirts mmmm she is beautiful Chris comes in and goes slack jawed and is looking Anna's legs up and down I growl and say "what the fuck dude?" He says "shit sorry Balz by the way guys we are scheduled to do a tour in two weeks" I nod he motions for me to follow him he says "Balz I'm sorry for doing that I don't know what came over me by the way tell Sara she is coming with us as our merch girl" I say "its ok just don't do it again and ok" he walks away and I go back into my room and say "Anna ur coming on tour with us as our merch girl" she nods and pecks my lips. Wait why is she being so distant? I ask "baby are u ok?" She says "yea my stomach hurts a bit" next thing I know she is running to the bathroom puking she rinses her mouth out and she says "umm babe the time before yesterday when we last had sex did u use a condom?" I go wide eyed and say "no" she runs out of the room and into Ghost's room him and her come out and she yells "baby I'll be right back I love u" I yell back "I love u too" fuck could she be pregnant? I'm not ready to be a dad but if she is I'm not gonna leave I will be there for my baby.

Anna's P.O.V.

My period is 5 days late I hear Chris come in and hear Josh growl and say "what the fuck dude" I continue putting Josh's clothes away when Josh goes out to the hallway. I hear him come back in he says "Anna ur coming on tour with us as our merch girl" I nod and peck his lips he asks "baby are you ok" I say "yea my stomach hurts a bit" I feel like I'm gonna puke I run to the bathroom puking I rinse my mouth and ask Josh "umm babe the time before yesterday when we last had sex did u use a condom?" He goes wide-eyed and says "no" I run to Ghost's room he invites me in and I say "Ghost there is a possibility that I am pregnant can u take me to get a pregnancy test?" He nods and we walk out I yell to Josh "baby I'll be right back I love u" I hear him yell back "I love u too" and with that me and Ghost get in the car and go to Walmart. Shit what if I am pregnant I'm sure Josh isn't ready to be a dad yet and we have only been dating a month. If I am I'm scared that he will leave.

Ohhhh shit!! possible baby? Like and comment c:

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