Sleep Tight ;)

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It gets to be midnight and I ask "hey anybody mind if I go crash in their bed I'm wrecked?" Josh says "u can crash in mine I'll sleep on the couch" I say " I just met u I don't wanna run u outta ur bed" he smiles and says "I don't mind really I'll probably be up all night watching Dexter" I ask "are u sure?" He laughs and says "yea I don't mind at all " I smile and say "thanks Josh " he smiles and says "no problem Anna" ohh there's that smile. He starts to led the way to his room I stop and say "shit" he turns around and says "What?" I say "I have nothing to sleep in" he scratches the back off his neck and says "I can give u a shirt I doubt my gym shorts will fit tho" i say "o-o-ok" he smiles and says " it will be ok I'll stay downstairs unless u want me to stay with u?" I ask "could u ju-just till I fall asleep?" He says "sure" I smile and hug him ohh god he smells so good and say " Thanks again Josh" He says " ur welcome" we get to his room and I love the decor it has black walls and skulls painted on them the bed is big and black with Slipknot on it there is a keyboard sitting in the corner he goes to the dresser and pulls out a plain black tee shirt and I ask where the bathroom is he points to an open door I go in and slip off my shirt, bra and jeans leaving me in Josh's tee shirt and my lacy black boy shorts panties. I walk out and Josh has left so I walk downstairs and I clear my throat and all the guys turn and look at me and gawk "take a picture it will last longer" I snap and look at Josh and ask " u coming?" He says " urmmm yea I just gotta let Abigail in" I look at him he laughs and says "she is my pit bull puppy" I say "awwww I fucking love dogs" he smiles and says " I'll be up in a minute" I say " okay" and head back upstairs. I quickly climb into the bed and I hear him and a puppy I lean up and see a blue-nosed pit bull puppy he says "Anna this is Abigail" I smile and say "she is so fucking cute" Abigail jumps onto the bed and licks my hand. I ask "lay with me?" he scratches the back of his neck and smiles and says "sure" he climbs in the bed with me and starts to put his arms around me but pulls back quickly I say "its ok u can do that if u want" he asks "are u sure I don't wanna make u uncomfortable" I say "it will be fine" he wraps his arms around me he is so warm I quickly drift

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