Mall Day with Ash and Devin

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Ash says "ummm Devin is coming with us is that ok with u?" I say " yea y wouldn't it be?" She says " I think he is in love with u he asked to come with us after Chris said "Wanna go to the mall with Anna?" I just nod. And Devin comes out, looks at me and blushes he says " let's go to the mall I'm driving" I giggle and run out to the car and climb into the passenger seat Devin climbs in and so does Ashley and he starts the car and he starts the car and we blast Angel Eyes by New Years Day a.k.a. Ash's band feat. Chris ughhh this song is so amazing I sing along with Ash and Devin and Devin screams Chris's part I look at him and say "wow ur an amazing screamer" he says "Thanks Anna" I nod and say " ur welcome Ghost" he smiles. We pull into the mall and I jump out and onto Devin's back and say "let's go Ghost" he laughs and say " to Hot Topic" I giggle. Ash following beside us.

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