Their Reactions to Endgame

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Hey I'm not ded look at dat

Also this has no spoilers to Endgame in it but the comments may have some so beware



You and Kris were pretty into Marvel and we're both very excited to see Endgame but also terrified (a/n story of my life)

Kris was pretty much dead silent in the theater while you guys were watching the movie. They didn't make a single noise the whole time. You almost thought they fell asleep. However, when you got home they claimed they had to use the bathroom and went immediately. You found them crying in the bath tub with a large amount of tissues about 2 hours later.


Susie didn't really watch Marvel movies but she knew you liked them a lot. When you told her you wanted to see Endgame, she wanted to be able to talk about it with you to make you happy. The whole week before the movie she researched the whole marvel timeline almost every day and sometimes lost sleep because of it. You only figured it out when she made a reference to you while you were walking in to the theater. Your smile was priceless.

She actually cried during the movie but only a little. She had to punch a guy who was laughing at her. Afterwards she tried to blow it off but you knew she was not ok and you guys talked about it.

(You called her thanos and she almost actually killed you)


You had shielded Ralsei from any marvel movies because he was too pure and innocent. He also had said he had no desire to see any of the movies himself if he had the chance.

When Endgame was about to come out, you told him you were going to see it by yourself but he then wanted to go only to spend time with you.

He kept asking questions the whole time and you kept having to fill him in. He also became surprisingly emotionally. He also very concerned about you being sad. Afterwards you caught him up on the whole timeline and even watched a few movies with him. (You screamed to prevent him from hearing any swears when they came on)


You actually we're surprised to hear that Noelle had actually watched a few marvel movies. All the ones she watched weren't at all the more recent ones, but they were still good ones. She honestly said she didn't really think of them as anything other than movies.

When you told her you wanted to see Endgame, she was all for it. She was a little intimidated by all the people there to see it, but she got over it. She didn't cry while watching the movie, but she definitely gasped and laughed a lot. It was honestly not that big for her, but she definitely enjoyed seeing the movie and spending time with you.


You were both mega Marvel fans. You had comics, action figures, and almost every movie to date. When you heard about Endgame, you both felt like you needed to go or you would die.

Of course, the King was not going to take you, so you asked Rouxls. He was busy and couldn't take you. He said he had to re count his worms or something. This left you two with one option:

Sneak in

You snuck in through the crowd and just walked in since you're both small enough to sneak by. You both cried during the movie and held on to each other while silently dying.

You both wanted to wait until the End credit scene but you were seen by an employee when the lights came on. You both ran back to the castle while screaming random crap to one another. When you got back Rouxls asked why you both were wanted at a movie theater. He told you both were not going to do anything until you answered him. You whispered in his ear " we're in the Endgame now."

He lost it.

|Rouxls Kaard|

Rouxls had actually seen a few  marvel movies, only problem is that it was usually on Netflix at 3 am and he never remembered anything. Sometimes he would sleep talk Marvel quotes and you would film it and laugh at it. That's pretty much all his experience with Marvel.

You made him see Endgame with you and he was honestly not that interested. He brought a book to the theater. A book. He read during the first half of the movie and actually watched it towards the end. He also had to hold your hand when you started to cry. He also most likely screamed at the screen whenever something big happened.


Jevil never had seen a Marvel movie (to your knowledge). But it was extremely weird. He referenced the movies randomly but whenever you wanted to talk to him about them, he didn't know anything about them. It was very odd.

You saw Endgame without him actually. You honestly planned on him never knowing you saw it, but he somehow knew. He saw you were sad and happy. He started to talk about it even though he had never seen it.

You guys talked about the movie back and forth in full detail even though there was no way he could have seen it. It helped you, but also left you very confused.



I haven't updated in almost a month!

I'm so sorry.

I've been kinda bone dry on ideas and my April was extremely hectic!

I did get to see Endgame though and I fricking LOVED IT

( I never ever cry during movies and I actually cried I am cured)

Please share you favorite parts in the comments if you have seen it because I need more people to discuss it with!

If you haven't seen it, know that you  enter the comments at your own risk.


(Words: 973)

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