before the murder house

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       I was tired from running and the sound of sirens were getting closer. "Hist. Why are they so relentless." I ran from the alley to a wierd building with a high stain glass window that looked like a church under construction. I took a deep breath and placed my battle axe on the floor. They will think I went our of town, What idiots. My eyes roamed over the exposed bricks with the moon streaming into the windows. I hated having to run from the cops but this what I get for being a contract killer. I pulled my phone from my pocket and called my contact."Target neutralized. Send clean up crew." I said to the dispatch. I then hung up the phone and thought some more on what to do next. I stood and ruffled my fingers through my dirty blonde hair that I let get a little too long. long black trench coat swirled the dust around my feet as I brushed off my black jeans. My black and purple skull shirt had blood on it ."that will stain. It doesn't matter though." I said aloud as I grabbed my axe from the wall where I leaned it. 

     I threw my axe on my back again as I walked back to the door. It was then that I felt a sudden wind blow from my back and quickly spun around only to be hit with a hard book. A bible with a slightly sweet smoke pouring from it. My vision begun to fade as I stood to my feet and face a blurry figure. I raised my axe and gave a warriors cry. "You cowardly son of a bitch!" My world was blurry and my head was pounding. This was a problem I didn't need today. I slowly walked toward the figure and swung to connect with empty air?! This was pissing me off with all this purple smoke. I felt the book hit my head again only harder. It made my head jerk forward." It will take more then that to hurt me. This is the first time anyone has taken the good book so seriously. I hope that spirit armor is going to be enough for you." I smiled as the footstep got louder and came from my left. I swung again only I heard the sound of my axe connecting with a pipe.

     The book hit the edge of my jaw with a force that echoed through the building. I hit the floor as my axe clattered away from me. I could hear the sound of foot steps coming toward my face before the world went black.

* so what do ya think about your  strength and speed. This was an interesting thing to start on and If you haven't seen the anime I suggest you watch it. Read the manga,play the game. I loved this series. I can't wait to continue it. Thanks for reading it :)

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