Depart from the Murder House

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   Oh that reminds me"Hey Zack how did you get those burns on your body?"I asked him when the elevator doors closed."There was this guy who used to bang my mom and he didn't know how stubborn little punk I was. He set me on fire and I bit off a chunk of his arm. My mom wrapped me up like a mummy and sent me to the first place that would take me."He said to me while tracing one of the scars on my knuckles. I was satisfied with his answer but still it was a stretch to ask for more."I have a belief what past is past and we define our own futures."I said sighing while closing my eyes.The doors opened againand we followed Ray to an organ stained with dried blood. Zack started to push it over but it didn't budge so I went to help him. My body made it move but that thing was really fucking heavy. I tapped the glass in the church."It's hollow."I said before he smashed it creating a rainbow of glass shards. It revealed a stairway leading up. 

  I grabbed my phone and checked the hall.My phone had signal fucking finally. I sent a message to my contact to send reinforcements. This was going to be the only way we could get out of here without being spotted.I then closed it and started running up the stairs. I never skipped a leg day as we ran forward before Ray tripped. I helped her to her feet and then put her on my back. There was an announcement"The self destruct has been activated. Please evacuate the building." It said before we ran further up the stairs before fire erupted at the steps below. I ran faster only to be met with a set of iron bars.I started hitting the bars with my axe handle."I can't burn to death I just can't."Zack said as he gripped his hoodie in fear. I continued to hit the bars with desperation."We are the makers of our own destiny so we are leaving Zack I promise."I said while my hands worked on the bars. They didn't budge however it felt it was hopeless. Zack grabbed my shoulder and dragged me backward before he sliced through the iron bars.

   The impressive feat of strength had me refreshed as I grabbed Ray and ran up the stairs. Zack laughed like a mad man as he broke the rubble in our way before a giant hole formed in the floor I jumped first barely making the ledge and continued running forward.I was exhausted as the flames chased us to the top. I placed Ray on the floor and took a deep breath. Zack smiled at me "We are almost out of here."He said before my eyes met his."Your still going to kill Ray?"I asked him while raising my eyebrow."I want her to live.She is like a child of mine."I said before he looked at me."She can live for a while longer."He said before turning to the door.  I'll take it I thought as I walked toward Zack."I love you Rain."He said to me and it made my heart skip a beat.

    Then a gun went off and I fell to my knees with bright blood filling my mouth.I knew I had been shot but by who or why I had no idea."Rain."Ray screamed as she came to my side. I was shot in the back what a cowardly move.I looked at Zack before another bullet hit my back forcing me into the ground."Why did you chose him over me. Rachel I gave you everything you ever asked for and Rain why could you love me?"He said in a broken voice."You bastard!"Zack screamed only to be shot in the leg and his shoulder."How foolish of you to charge at a loaded gun. You took everything from me and now I will do the same."He stated simply."Danny you have to understand you were not to blame for our choices and I finally get to be happy after so much pain for so long."My eyes filled with tears as I flipped over and gave Zack and Ray a smile."You gave me back my humanity so thanks."I said as I met danny's eyes. He shot me again and it created a puddle under my body as Ray sobbed. 

    This is how it ends huh/ I'm so cold but satisfied with my outcome because I got to meet some amazing people. I felt my body being carried outside and then the feeling of arms wrapping around me while being taken from the warm body."Damn you really fucked yourself up huh?"I heard the voice say before the world went dark. There was no pain in this state,no hunger,anger nothing. I had no feeling in my limbs and it was so quiet here. There was just comforting silence and darkness. I then saw a scyth sitting in the dark and a figure hunched over near it. Zack I thought as I started to walk toward him. A blonde haired girl met him and gave a smile before the pair walked away form."Hey wait up."I said as my feet hit the floor behind them. They kept walking before disappearing into the light with me close behind.

     I woke up to my body throbbing and my head pounding. I slowly sat up to an all too familiar clinic with the one person I didn't want to see."Good your awake you wreck less idiot."He said but his green eyes said otherwise. The cheeky doctor with red hair and lab coat was a dead give away as to where I was and who patched me up yet again."I am not me if I don't get a scratch or two Rocky."I said to him with a grin. He fist bonked the top of my head sending throbbing pain in it."You almost died this time.What the hell were you thinking taking two to the chest."He yelled in my ears. His scalding reminded me of a brother." where are the two I came here with?" I ask evading his question."The serial killer is locked in a cell in here and the child is in a room awaiting your arrival. You brought a serial killer with you and you have plenty to explain to the boss."He said with a smile. The boss was worse then him at bitching me out."Did you have to strip me naked?"I asked as he threw some of my clean clothes at me."Thank your favorite friend. He brought these for you."Rocky said.

  He turned his back to me as I got dressed.I had to deal with the boss first then Zack and Ray and finally my pervert best friend. He gave me a low cut black tee shirt and skinny jeans with no bra or underwear.  He does that on purpose I thought when I opened the door labeled"Morgan good to see ya. The job you assigned me took longer then I thought but it was done."I said to her."I take it getting shot and bringing two new editions to our group was also part of the job?"She met my eyes with anger.I gave her a brief summery  of what happened in the church and how I was injured."So that is your explanation on why you were seen and didn't kill the witnesses."Her voice sounded tired.I knew better then to open my mouth as she continued "I will let this slid just this once but next time you disobey the rules."She pointed her gun at my head."I understand mam." I said as she dismissed me from her presence. She is unpredictable on the best of days so that was a close call.

    I walked down the hall until a short but muscled body collided with mine. This man shoved his face in my chest and gave a smile. I punched him in the face sending him into the ground."You are an ass you know that. You could have at least given me something not so form fitting."I yelled at my best friend,Prince. He gave a smirk "I'm happy to see you too Rain and your welcome for now having to walk around naked."He mocked me before getting a nose bleed."Where is the scyth man being held and the little girl with emotionless eyes?" I asked wasting no time.Prince crossed his arms"Is he your new toy or something?"He pouted."Not in the mood princess.Now where are they?" I asked again this time growling. He froze and focused on my face. His eyes grew wide before taking off running to the right. I chased him because he was not getting away that easy.He stopped in front of a cell door that had been dented by several swings of a chair.

   I opened the door to an empty room. What the hell is going on here I thought as my feet went further in. The door swung shut behind me before I was pinned to the ground. Fuck they got the drop on me and I was too injured to fight back."Where did you take her and don't play dumb."He said before his hands traced the tattoo I had on my right shoulder. He flipped my body over so he could see my face before he pulled me close to his chest."Mummy you have got to work on your hellos."I said while my face was buried in his hoodie with tears in my eyes. The door opened again only for Prince to poke his head in."So it is true. You have your humanity back."He gasped before he tried to touch me. Zack growled low scaring him from me. His grip wouldn't loosen from my shoulders as I tried to wiggle out of his hold.

  "I need you to loosen your grip there bandages it hurts."I said and immediately his hands left me. I stood up before offering my hand to him"You don't have to stay in here anymore." I said. I lead him to another door and opened it to white walls white dresser white bed and a little blonde girl sitting on the bed. 

*So this is the beginning of after the anime ends and I will write until I  am satisfied.Thanks for reading.*

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