Doctor eyeballs

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     I walked onto the floor with a huge smile on my face. The feeling faded as I heard the sound of fast footsteps and Rachel tugging on my arm. I nodded at her and we ran in the opposite direction. She is slower and I jogged instead to keep pace with her. I felt her stop and looked at her for her arm to be held by another person. I swung my axe at the hand only for them to let go and say "Rachel don't you remember me. I'm your counselor Dr Danny." This guy said smiling at her.His eyes were closed and his shaggy blonde hair made me shudder. He wore a smile along with a white lab coat. His shirt had a tie and it was almost a puke green along with his grey slacks. " Doctor I'm scared." she said as he wiped the blood off her cheek. I have never trusted doctors and this one in particular gave me the creeps. My stance never changed as I looked at Rachel with a grim expression.He said" You have no need to be scared I'm a doctor and I'm here to help. That's what doctors do." What a load of crap I thought as He lead Rachel by the hand in the hallway. I want to cut him up so bad and run but instead I followed them with my axe on my shoulder.

   We came to a stop when there was a huge piece of glass in front of us and he said" Well it looks like we are stuck down here let's see if we can fin a way out." I walked up to the glass and kicked it with my boot and a piece broke off. Liar I thought as I walked behind them and into a room with cots lining the walls. There was writing on the wall.

  Do you know what you really want                                                                                                                                 Desire ,do you know what it is?                                                                                                                                     there is no reason to fight against it,if it is your true desire                                                                                 There is no reason for you to be here but remember don't break the rules                                                For each wish there is a price

  " What rules would that be I wonder."I said as I stared at the doctor with narrowed eyes. He said"I'm not sure but my desire is to have perfect eyes. You see one of mine don't work so well.If only I had pretty ones like yours."He sighed. I growled at him and then his hand shot toward Rachel as she tried to wipe some dust off the wall.My hand griped his wrist tightly. "I'd advise you to let go of her before I break it Doctor." I smiled at him. He glared at him and I could see his blood lust but just as quickly it disappeared. He was a snake and I knew it."Come on there are more rooms to look in. He lead us to an operation room with eyes lining the walls and on the monitor. I hated eyes and it made me shudder as he turned to Rachel. " Could you help me look for something.I seem to have misplaced it. It is in the back room but be careful and don't strain those peepers."He said as he pushed Rachel into the back room and then he turned to me and said" Could you help look too I'm sure I left something in the room next door. I walked to the room beside it and then he slammed the door and locked it."I'll kill you eye ball wierdo. Don't lay a finger on her."

      I heard him go into the room and said happily"You found it. Wait in the other room while I put it in." I then heard Rachel say "I have to find Rain." as she struggled with the door and then I heard it break open.I then heard her screaming."Rachel hold on I'm coming!" I kicked the door over and over but it wouldn't budge."Let go of me!" Rachel screamed as i hit the door with my axe and I made a dent. " Please stop I don't want to." Rachel whined and my hits got harder until my axe went through"Just a little more then I'll be there. Leave her alone you eyeball psycho!"I shouted as my axe broke the door and I ran to the next room over.I opened the door only to be hit with a blood splatter. My eyes got wide as i froze in place seeing that jacket and scyth again. No is she dead? The doctors body hit the floor with a thud as I slowly approached the table.I saw her laying still on the table. That gauze mummy started laughing hysterically as he stood over Rachel.

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