The price of Sin

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   Zack was bleeding and it worried me on exactly how deep the wound on his stomach was. Ray,Zack and I started to walk behind the glass to what looks like a soundboard for someone who had too much time on their hands. Zack tried to open the door but it was locked" Damn it of course." I decided to try the panel and pressed a button, to my surprise the door swung open. When we went through the door it was the beginning area we were in."I am going to kill her... oh wait we already did that." Zack said with a grin. Ray walked into the first room where we took the mugshots. There was writing on the wall asking for the name of an uneeded sinner. I was so tired of the crypic bullshit as the elevator door opened."What are you going to do with your name plate Ray?"I asked as she stared at her own name."I'll get rid of it. I don't need it." She said as she threw it to the floor. I ruffled her hair" good job short stuff. You are a genius huh?"I said teasing the kid as we got in the elevator. Zach slumped to the wall in the elevator with a grin on his face. It was charming to say the least.

     "Holy shit mummy your smiling . Good mood suits you?"I said as I slumped beside him."Aren't you? You were a badass when you slit her open like a fish." He said with a huge smile. I smiled at him"There is something I need to tell you."I said blushing while I griped the back of my neck.He looked at me curiously."I like you and not as a friend. I have for awhile but I was scared to say it because I didn't want it to be one sided." I finally confessed. He smiled as he closed his eyes" I like you too Rain and hearing that I'm relieved." Zack said as we settled into a comfortable silence. I turned to Ray as she giggled"why are you laughing kid.?It took a lot to say that to him." I said as my face turned into a frown.Ray said "I think it's cute even though it was out of the blue.You look good together."I smiled as my eyes closed in a content posture. There was a rumble as the elevator stopped on the next floor. It opened as I got on my feet. Ray and I looked at Zack. 

   "Hey mummy were here."I said to him but he didn't move. I reached for his shoulder but he fell to the floor with a large blood puddle under him. My eyes got wide as i had Ray called his name. He was more hurt then we thought as I reached to check his pulse. It was weak but still present, however it left him open to attack. I grabbed his body to lift him onto my body. Fuck,this man is heavy I thought as I threw him over my shoulders and started walking down the hallway. I have his scyth and my axe strapped over my back but with him injured like this and me being so slow it is a liability. I carried him with his blood soaking my trench coat and dripping on the floor. My chest hurt more with every step as I clenched my teeth. He can't die,not now,not yet not with so much on the line we are almost out of here."I have to patch him up so we will stop here."I said to ray as I placed Zack on the floor by the wall.My hands went to the bottle of vodka in my boot and then to my pocket for the rolls of gauze I carried in my pocket for work.I then grabbed the edge f his hoodie and pulled it up to expose his belly to me. 

    "What the hell do you think your doing?"He grumbled as his hands stopped my wrist from removing the bandages from his body."Your bleeding everywhere and I have to stop it or you'll die. Let me help you before you become a corpse in this hell hole. I can't fight and carry a body."I said as my eyes met his. Those amber eyes reflected my image as he thought it over."I'll be fine don't worry."He said as he tried to stand up.It soaked the bandages more and my hand flew to the wound to stop the bleeding."Don't be an idiot. You are not fit to fight this way and at least let me stop the bleeding."I said as my eyes filled with tears.He froze and looked at me,"I can't lose another person I have grown to love. I can't not when I can do something to help them."I said hoarsely. I then felt a hand on my face as he turned my head to meet his"I am a monster so I won't die that easily. Do what you want."He said as he wiped the tears from my face. 

   His body relaxed as I pulled the bandages from his wound. He was covered on old scars from being burned. I didn't pay much attention to it as I looked at the wound. It was angry and deep but I didn't have any thread to stitch him up. This will have to do for now until I can get some medicine for him. I worked quickly first adding the vodka to his wound to disinfect it as he yelled from the pain and then he took the bottle from me. He took a swig of the bottle as I pulled a thick pad from my pocket and place it on the wound before wrapping it back up in bandages."This will buy us some time but it needs stitches and something to stop the bleeding."I said when I looked at his eyes again grabbing the bottle from him."I am not a stuffed animal!"He said irritated at me taking the vodka."You also need to rest for now while I find medicine."I also said while ignoring his temper tantrum.

  "I'll find it for you. You need to stay here until he is able to move."Ray said. Her tone left no room for argument."Your just a kid how are you going to fight off anything that comes to attack you?" I said as I stood up.Her hands went to the black purse that she carried on her shoulder."I have something that can help please let me be useful to you both." She said."Just be careful ok I'll be right behind you if you need me ok?" I said to her with concern in my voice.She nodded and ran into the darkness in the hallway. I sighed and turned to the sleeping Zack on the wall. I honestly thought the whole situation was fucked up but what can you do. I sat beside Zack on the floor and opened my pack of smokes. There was only one left and this was just my luck. I lit it and took a drag. I wonder what else this place has in store for us. I certainly never thought I'd be traveling with a kid and a mummy serial killer. I'm tired and what I wouldn't give for some food and a cold beer.

   Ray has been gone for a while and then the sound of boots echo down the hall. I got to my feet with my axe in my hands. Ray appeared from the hallway and I relaxed."Hey kid what'd you find?"I said as Zack woke up and started looked around."the owner of this floor is taking me to Danny's floor to get medicine for Zack."She said. I looked at Zack and then back at Rachel."I'm going with you to keep you safe."I said sternly as I place his scyth beside Zack.I was in no mood to argue with anyone and Zack tried to get up off the wall."Let's go then."Zack said as he got to his feet.I shook my head"Stay here. You will only slow us down." Zack shouted"Shut up I can handle it." Zack then fell on the floor proving my point."You are too injured to move dude stay here."I said as I started to walk away. His grip on my wrist stopped me"If you are heading to my floor. Can you get my knife from my room?" He asked tiredly.I crouched down so my eyes met his."Of course I can. One monster can help another right?"I said as I grinned at him. I sat him up so he was leaning against the wall again.

        I the kissed his forehead in a loving gesture. He pulled on my arm so my lips were level with his. He kissed me,his bandages met my mouth with a rough scrape but his mouth was so soft. I leaned into the kiss in a moan as his arm wrapped around my shoulders. Ray coughed getting my attention as I pulled away from him. My forehead rested against his as I said "I've got this." Zack let go of me and I got to my feet."Let's waste no more time kid."I said while twirling my axe in my hands. She nodded at me as we walked back to where she came from. My eyes met a silver haired priest with no irises in a black and purple robe."I see thou has brought Rain with thee." He said. "I see my name proceeds me."I said as I turned my axe to him."You try anything and I'll spray your guts all over this church. Got me father?"I said as the light caught the tip of my axe. He smiled at me "Let us be off then."He said as he led us back to the elevator passing Zack.

    I promise I will protect you and Ray. You have my word on that I thought as we passed him. I watched this priest as he moved with sure steps. The elevator doors shut and curiosity got the worst of me."Why are you helping us father? I'm honestly surprised at your actions."I said as I watched him carefully."There is no need for such formality. Call me Abraham Grey.I have yet to determine what kind of person you and Rachel are."He said as the elevator descended.I grinned at Ray in reassurance as she looked from me to the priest.This was going to be one tough fight ahead so I had to stay focused on the goal ahead.This priest rubbed me the wrong way even though I have been in many churches over many jobs. One thing is for certain,he tries anything I will be ready to end his sorry ass.

*So we begin the fight for the medicine to save Zack. I try to stay on top of dead lines so I'll try to post once a week. This will be split in three parts I think or however long it takes to cover it all.Thanks for reading.*

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