Graves of the lost Part 2

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     I stood in the water as Zack stood with his back to me and he stood guard. The silence dragged on between us until he broke the silence. "Hey how did you get those scars on your back?" He asked me without looking at me. "Not every mother is nice. Mine used to beat me with a whip and then she sold me off to another family where I met someone who saved me and loved me. He died leaving me alone and then I started killing for hitmen." I said to him but it still hurt me and emotions are not easy to deal with.He turned to me and said "Man that sucks." I shrugged. "It is life for ya now we need to find to Rachel." I walked to the edge of the pool and got out. He turned bright red and I looked at him oddly until I realized that he was staring at my lace underwear. I grabbed my pants and slid them on first. I got dressed while facing away from him. When I turned around with my axe in hand he was still bright red."You coming?" I said as I walked ahead of him to an empty room where I heard voices. 

     "Rachel can you hear me? Who is there with you. Rachel answer me!" I pounded in the wall but heard nothing Zack said" Hey little miss horror show you in there?"Zack screamed. "Ugh I hate the sound of his voice!" I heard a voice through a wall. "You lay a hand on her and I'll cut your head off you bastard!"I hit the wall as hard as I could with my boot." I heard Zack swear to god he'd kill Rachel and then he grabbed my trench coat and yanked me back from the wall before smashing it in. Once I was through I stood in front of her looking for the owner of that damned voice. " Where are you creepy bastard come out so I can soak the walls with your blood."I said as the lights came back on. I faced Rachel and looked her over "Are you ok kid?" I asked as she stared at Zack." Say it one more time. I need to hear it!"Rachel said begging him. I ran in front of her as he pushed us both to the wall with his right hand on the wall. I brought the axe to his neck as he said"Listen kid I told you I really hate lairs ok?!" He yelled in my face as he stood over me.

        He was too close again but this time I hit him in the chest hard enough to push him back.I was going to beat the hell out of him before Rachel's voice said "Understood. He will be waiting for me." I scoffed as I brought the axe down to my side. "You sure know how to make friends huh kid?" I said as we walked into the next area where there was waterfalls and butterflies.It was pretty but too cheery for my taste as we were stopped by a little boy with a mask on his face. He had a jumper,white shirt,brown boots,mittens and a red scarf. I stared at him with a glare as I had Rachel behind me. This punk was going to pay for even trying to mess with Rachel."You don't get to make a choice Rachel anyone that comes onto my floor I make them sleep forever." I glared at the kid."Try me brat I'll cut you down so fast." I said as I flashed the kid a smile.

    The kid launched at Rachel but he met my axe and Zack swung at him which made him skid backwards. While the two men bickered I turned to Rachel. "Stay close to me ok and don't go far alright."The lights went out leaving me in the dark but this kid made a mistake I can see really well in the dark.The kid swung his shovel at me but I place my axe protecting my leg as he bounced off. He went after Zach and hit his ankle which Zack swung his weapon blindly. His weapon hit my axe deflecting it before it couuld hit me or Rachel."Watch where you swing shit for brains!"I yelled at him running with Rachel toward the stairs. "The do something about the lights!" He shouted while swinging"I'm on it already!"I yelled while Rachel turned on her flashlight. 

         I ran with her up the stairs until we got to a grave with flowers and a large tombstone. She hid behind it  and I looked for the kid before I got wacked in the head with it. Damn the brat got behind me.I watched Rachel get hit with the  handle in her middle and fell to her knees. I rushed forward to hit the kid but Rachel fell forward into the grave. The kid stopped and stared at her. "Rachel now use your flashlight." I shouted as I ran. The kid reared back from the light as I hit him with the end of my axe dropping him into the grave. Rachel turned on the lights while he said "Why Rachel I just want to lay you to rest in beauty. I love you Rachel." I heard Zach shout "You got shot down before he stabbed eddy in the stomach. I dropped the stone on top of the grave."Nice job kid I said as I reached for my smokes. I lit one and inhaled before looking at Zack. "Found the way out yet?" He asked her. She pressed a button only for the waterfall to stop and the door to open up. "Nice job."I said flicking my smoke away."So what are your names again?" Zack asked us  in a smug grin. I wanted to slap him."Rachel Gardner." She said staring at him.I swung my axe to my shoulder"I'm Rain." I said as the axe landed on my shoulder. "Well Ray you did a good job."

    Ray I like it. It suits her I think as we got into the elevator. It went up and we all stood there while Ray and Zack had a conversation I zoned out to another place. He was just a kid but he had a floor? Why in the hell would you have a kid in charge of a floor and how much longer until we get out of here."Hey Rain?" Zack said pulling me from my thoughts." What Zack?" I said with my hand on my chin." That's the first time you called me by name." He said with a smug grin on his face."Don't get too cocky there mummy I was being nice."I said just as the elevator stopped and onto the next hell on earth.

*OK so bonding is going well but let me know what you guys think*

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