Justice in Question

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   I ran with ragged breathing before I saw Zack in front of me limping with his scyth as a cane. I stopped in shock. He was alive and right in front of me,but how? "Zack?"I said as I caught my breath.He turned to look at me with a curious expression."You guys were gone for awhile I got curious so I went to find you."He said to me. I flashed him a smile before the ache in my chest pushed me forward to hold him. My grip was in his hoodie and my face buried in his chest.He was stunned before putting his hand on the back of my head."I'm ok geez you worry too much."Zack said before his chin rested on my head."Where's Ray?"He asked when I pulled away from him."I have her waiting for us down the hall."I said before she ran down the hallway pulling on bot of our hands."Kid where's the fire."I asked her."There is a giant snake come on we have to go!"She said and her frightened expression made me think of the priest I pulled my hand out of hers and she fell on her butt."There is no snake kid. It's just a trick made by the priest."I said as I reached for my axe.

  We walked down the hall and I saw several torn paintings. I thought nothing of it as we went forward to a narrow hall with boxes everywhere.I heard a hiss from behind them and looked to see a white body and slashed at it from my position."Zack catch."I said as I threw him his knife. This white snake was huge and it pissed me off."Ray get to the door and stay there."I said before Zack took my place. I ran to Rays side before shoving the door open and pushing her inside. I saw a flash of white above me before Zack cut off it's head. His wound poured blood as I wrapped his arm around me."Thank you for saving me Zack."I said as he limped beside me."That's the first time you called me by my name."He grinned at me. I knew he was teasing me but I'll let it slide.I placed him up against the wall of the church. The stain glass windows cast colors on the floor in front of me. The stains of red on the floor let me know there was more then one injured person walking around.

   "I didn't see any bodies on the floors below. Happen to know anything about that?"I asked Zack."I had a visit from Danny while you were with Ray actually."He said to me and I huffed in annoyance."Of course that bastard would be alive. Did he want anything?"I asked him while I pulled down my trench coat."Nothing you need to worry about. What happened to your arm?"He said while gripping my elbow."Had a fight with glass and it won."I said before tightening the bandage on my arm.He looked at me suspiciously but said nothing more."I will get that medicine from that priest and come back. Ray stay with him." I said but when I turned my head she was already gone. Damn that kid I thought as I ran after her.The hallway went dark before I saw my old house I lived in with my mother. It was the same as before. Orange and green walls with hardwood floors and a smell of vanilla candles.It still had a mask on the wall that was native american.

  "Welcome home dear. It's been awhile huh?"The voice made my blood freeze as I turned to face the owner of that voice that haunted my nightmares.My mother was still the same from her black eyes to her blue hair."You can't be real. This is just a dream I know it is."I said while watching her sway from side to side."I loved you and wanted to cleanse you of the evil in your heart. You sweet face and tomboy attitude don't suit you dear. I loved you very much so why did you burn me dear?"She said sweetly before her face melted to a plain skull with a snake tongue. I stared at her and slashed her head in pieces. The face that appeared next made me cry. He was still so beautiful. His grey eyes and silver hair with a wide grin made me melt.He opened his arms to me."I've missed you darling. I love you come to me."He said as I ran into his arms and held him close.He still smelled the same. I missed him so much and seeing him now made me ache for him again.

   "You let me to die darling. I trusted you but you left me to die alone in that hospital room."His grip went to my throat and begun to squeeze. My lungs burned as I met his eyes without fear but with love. I did everything I could to save him but I only left to get the doctors when he begun seizing. I get this floor now,it uses your guilt to punish you."Kill me if it satisfies you but I was with you until the end. I loved you and still do but I will say goodbye now."I said as I swung at the arm holding my throat and it disappeared.I then took my hand and pressed it into the wound on my arm and caused enough pain to make me scream. I could see clearly and ran to the blonde on the pew. I sat beside her and grabbed her arm before I squeezed it to a bruising grip. She came awake with a snap.I took my axe to Grey's throat."How did you figure it out?"He asked."There are two people I have guilt over and both appeared while being buried. come on your going to have to do better then that."I said before turning my axe to his neck.He smiled"I see."He said before walking over to a book shelf and pulled it."These are the medicines I took from Danny's floor. i'm sure you'll find what you need to treat his wounds."He said. I sent Ray to collect them before turning my back to the priest.

  "I take it your going to leave me alive?"He asked me before I walked out."Your not stupid enough to cross me so yes for now I will."I said before following Ray back to Zack. I crouched in front of Zack. I gripped to his hoodie and pulled it up. I stuck my hand out to ray as she handed me the medicines. I washed my hands and started to treat his wounds."hey your back. Ow that hurts."He said as I added the medicine to his wounds.I smiled as I reached for the next bottle."Got any thread Ray?"I asked the girl as she handed me the needle and thread."Your my god Zack so I'll help any way I can."She said.I didn't pause as i started on his stitches and started to close the wound. He watched with a soft expression that I couldn't place. When I finished and wrapped him back up."There you should be fine now."I said as I stood up."Thanks I guess."He said before my world went dark.

  #Zack's POV#

  Rain stood in front of me before she fell. "Rain!"I called before she fell over. Her eyes were closed and her blood soaked my hand.She was injured this bad and said nothing. She's insane I thought before lowering her down to the floor. I pulled down her trench coat to get a better look at the wound. There were several scars on her arms like this but it was nasty. Her wound was deep but it wasn't wide."I'll treat her."Ray said as she set to work cleaning her hands. I placed Rain's head on my lap and her shoulder facing Ray. She was tough but asleep she was so beautiful.I brushed my hand over her face and she sighed while her head pushed into my hand. She smiled and it made my face grow hot."You are so strange yet you are so soft."I said to her sleeping form. My thumb rubbed her lip that was so soft before her tongue licked my thumb. It made my chest throb and my stomach grow tight. I had to shift my lap to relieve the strain in my pants.

  Ray finally finished stitching Rain's arm and then fell asleep on her lap. These two were cute and it warmed my cold heart. I kept a look out while my hands brushed through Rain's silky hair. Her hair was a dark blonde that reminded me of tree bark and her eyes reminded me of green leaves. She has a hold on me but normally when someone smiles I want to gut them. Her smile makes me feel lighter,like the world doesn't matter. She is not afraid of me even a little. This woman has a nice body,but she is covered in so many scars.I brushed my hand over her chest and she moaned in response. I slid my hand under her shirt and gripped her breast. She whimpered when my hand brushed against her nipple.It made my breath come faster and the throbbing in my pants worse. My hands continued to play with her under her shirt as her breath became uneven. She arched into my touch as I played with her."Zack."She moaned and I groaned in response as the pain got worse.

   I could help it as I brought her face to mine in a slow but arousing kiss. My lips met hers in a teasing way before I placed them fully on hers. She arched into me and shoved her tongue in my mouth. Her taste made me lose myself for a moment as her tongue tangled with mine. I squeezed her breast and took advantage of her gasp to taste her fully. She arched into me with whimpers and moans as my hand drifted over her belly and to the waistband of her black jeans. her hand gripped my wrist.I tried to move with a growl but she is stronger then she looks.Her mouth came apart from mine."Taking advantage of me while asleep is a low blow there mummy."I heard her purr before she climbed on my lap.

   #Rain's POV#

  I felt hands on my body and it stirred an all too familiar feeling in my gut. He really knew how to touch and his taste was intoxicating. It was like a sweet orange with a wild flower and it moved through my veins like fire.I felt his hand drift to the waistband of my pants. I grabbed his wrist."Take advantage of me while asleep is a low blow there mummy." I said as I shifted my weight so I was on his waist. He was hard so much so that it was too easy to rub myself on him. He arched into me with a groan as his breath caressed my neck. His tongue dragged across my neck with small nips and when he nipped the place where my shoulder and neck met it made me moan. His hard body made teasing him to easy when my hand drifted to pull on his pants. He chuckled"You just as eager huh?"He growled in my ear. I am a woman and yes I have needs but not here."I am but not here, the kid needs sleep and I'm covered in blood."I said as my lips kissed his throat while I licked him up to his mouth. "I will finish this later count on it."I said to him pulling on my waist on his hard erection.

*It just got steamy and I am an ass for ending it here but whatever.Thanks for reading peace*

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