Graves of the lost

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    I placed my feet on the floor and looked around at the wide open brick walls. The smell of earth made me sigh in contentment as I balanced my axe on my back. Water surrounded the elevator on two sides and I splashed my face to wipe away the blood along with my chest and arms. It was nice to get at least a bird bath. It was then that I noticed the water bubbling and thought it was strange. I then looked at Zack who was staring at me again."Got an eye problem mummy?" He shouted "Shut up I was just wondering what was taking so long."I smiled at him as I walked ahead of him. There were graves up ahead and one was freshly dug. I froze as Rachel walked ahead of me.I took a deep breath and forced myself to walk forward. My pentacle around my neck didn't heat up so there was nothing here.

   Rachel stared at the graves. Zack walked into one of the graves."Gross it's sticking to my feet. This is not my day."He said as he pulled his foot out. I waited for him to move so I could see what Rachel was staring at."This whole place is a grave."She said as I got closer."You got some creepy ass grave fetish or what?"Zack said as he stood behind the tombstones. The body inside it was beginning to rot and that was not what I was staring at. I was staring at the mound of dirt beside it and grabbed a handful of it. I sprinkled it into the grave before walking next to Zack. We walked ahead to a weird etched stone. It had an inscription on it.

  "The welcomed by the holy land,the chosen by the lord. The good men,the beloved by the angels.The special ones. To leave yourselves in the glory of the lord.To traitors here will be their prison forever." She read while I looked at the graves behind us. I was shaking but my grip remained tight. I didn't want to be here and certainly not with a bunch of graves. Rachel stopped in front of a grave with her name on it and beside hers was one for me. There was a half finished one to the right of Rachels. That one must be for Zack."They've got balls,I'll give em that."I said as I stared at the grave before my foot hit it and it turned to rubble. I'm not dieing today, not in this place. Zack raised his scyth at the grave ment for him"It'll break dumb ass. Use something else." I said as he froze." Give me you axe then."He shouted "Fuck no I'd much rather bury it in your skull." I shouted back. Rachel stopped our arguement as she said"There is a draft coming from there." I was looking at Rachel when she walked into the hole.

         "Hey how do I know your not going to run off?"Zack said as he stalked toward Rachel. "What would I do that for you still haven't killed me yet."She stated simply. "I'll look for a switch out here but be careful ok?"I said as I started to walk around the room.I threw a pick axe at Zack." Have a ball slushie brain." I said as I moved from grave to grave. He smashed his grave and Rachel before she walked in asked us not to destroy her grave. I nodded at her as I watched Zackk smash the other graves in the graveyard and used one of the pieces to sharpen my axe while I wait. I let my mind wander to a time when I visited a graveyard and it made me clench my teeth.

  #Begin flashback#

    "It was so sudden right? I don't think he saw it coming."One person whispered to another as I stood at the casket staring at the man inside. "You bastard you promised to be with me forever and I give to live alone."I cried and was so tired. The funeral crowd whispered thinking I couldn't hear the rumors. I hated living without him. I could feel anything. They laid him into the ground and I could still hear his voice in my mind,see his smile and still feel his love so why? Why if god is that merciful why did that man who hit him survive and my beloved died. This was more then pain more then lonely. I grabbed a handful of dirt and said goodbye as I grabbed my bag from the ground and begun to wander the world.

#end flashback#

   Zack's insane laughter broke me from my trance and in the axes reflection I could see I could see my tears. I wiped them from my eyes but not before he saw. "What's your problem? Sad for the souls in their dirt nap?" I looked up and tossed my axe in the air before catching it. I just shrugged and didn't respond."Don't ignore me!"He shouted as he got closer to me."I'm tired of your childish tantrums there toilet paper. " He got angrier and shouted "Why did you say." I knew he heard me but didn't care."Ya heard me mummy. You look like a pile of toilet paper after a cat got bored and tore up the roll." I glared at him. "Bitch you wanna go?"He said as he pointed his scyth at my back. "I already kicked your ass twice are ya asking for another?" I said as I brought my axe toward his neck. This was a standoff and whoever slips loses. The thought of him flashed in my mind before I exhaled and pulled my axe away from Zack."Honestly you would be doing me a favor there gauze face. " I gripped his scyth and dragged it to my neck to lick the blade and stuck my bleeding tounge out at him. This made Zack jump away from me."Your sick lady!" 

    I raised both my arms with my axe in my right hand. I didn't care anymore and the only thing I felt was my crazy in the back of my head telling me to kill him. I ignored it as I kicked the rubble in the graveyard and smacking it with my axe toward Zack. He dodged easily as he ran toward me. I threw him with his scyth and then flung more pieces of rubble at him until he got in my personal space. He had both my wrists and his leg was tangled with me. His face was an inch from mine and I could feel his breath on my skin. I stared at his eyes as he stared at mind. I didn't move but neither did he." Your too close dude."I said as I back up but he pulled me back into him. His heart was beating so fast against my chest. His body was too close and I could feel his heat on my body. It made my heart speed up in pace. He was attractive sure but it was the way he was looking at me. His expression was soft almost wanting as my eyes drifted to his mouth.

    This feeling was almost too much to bare as my cheeks turned into a blush.He chuckled a sound I hadn't heard from him." Not so tough now are ya?" I looked at his eyes again. He was toying with me and the thing was I didn't mind it. Just then Rachel came back and he jumped away from me. My body whined at the sudden loss of contact as I look at her."What did you find honey?" She pulled some papers out of her bag and showed them to me."I also heard some giggling."She said as she handed them to me.They had profiles of us and I just read through them."Isaac foster. Age unknown. birthday unknown. Grew up in an illegal orphanage and believed to be the cause of caretakers death location is currently unknown." I looked at him but his hood covered his eyes."How do you feel now that you have all that information?" I didn't care about the paper nor it's information."It doesn't matter anyway. It still doesn't change who you became so it's a document that is just a base." He looked back up through the hood.

   "There was this bitch who said the same thing even tried to flirt with me but she lied and I killed her."He stated simply. I shook my head "Still don't care."I said as I met his eyes again.There was no lie in my voice"I really hate lairs,you know." He said simply and I looked at him. "So you I man but we have other things to do."I said as Zack swung the pick axe at Rachel's grave. She was really sad that he destroyed her grave before we walked back to the elevator. The switch was in the water was my guess. "I'll go in the water to check for the switch." I said as I took off my trench coat and then reached for the hem of my shirt turning my back to Zack."Hey what the hell do you think your doing?!" He shouted as his face turned red. I pulled my shirt off showing them both the scars that laced my back and then I took off my pants and boots before climbing in the water."Fuck it's cold."I said as I stood on the switch. "I'll see if that opened anything. Rachel left leaving Zack and myself alone.

 *I'm going to continue this in part 2 bacasue this chapter was really long. See ya then.*

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