let the circus commence part 1

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      The elevator went up again and it was an awkard silence as I tapped my foot. Zack kept looking at me and when I met his eyes he turned his head away and blushed. I knew why he was looking at me that way. I thought it was cute when he blushed though he was still an asshole. This was the one time I would excuse the behavior however. I looked at Ray as she stared at the doors in boredom. She didn't even seem phased by what has happened so far and it made me suspicious as to what she has seen so far in her life. This place had been a crazy murder house from the beginning. There were many jobs I had been on that made even grown men puke. This little girl must have been through hell or is disturbed more then she lets on.I also wonder how she got here and if she has a floor of her own or is she just some random victim. 

    The elevator stopped and when the doors opened I looked at the bars in front of me. This place looked like a prison. The bars were iron and these grey walls made me feel like I had been taken by the cops.This was so weird and not in a good way. Zack had approached the iron bars and then hit them with his scyth. "Hey stupid it's iron you'll break your weapon." I said as my ears were ringing from the sound."Shut up!"He shouted as he shook form the impact. Just then a machine gun came down from the ceiling and aimed in front of the door. Zack grabbed ray and I grabbed Zack  as it fired round into the floor. When the gun fire stopped I had shifted my weight  but it was warm. I opened my eyes to see that I had landed on top of Zack. His eyes opened to meet mine."We have got to stop meeting like this."I teased as I brushed myself off and checked ray over for injuries.

     The camera in the corner by the door began to talk and the voice was female."That woke me right up."It sang as I had glared at it with disgust. " Oh Zacky you really have no brain." It teased. "Let us through you crazy bitch."He shouted. I guess the nick name hit a nerve.There was a spot light and confettii raining from the ceiling as the gate behind us opened.We walked into a hallway and tried to open the doors only for them to be locked. " Hey I thought you were going to let us through."Zack said to the camera."I will but first you have some pictures for me and make some pretty ones. okay?" The camera replied. I grabbed the name plates and slapped one in ray's hands then in Zack's and mine. I hated photos and this was no exception it just made it worse that this was a mug shot."I'll take yours first Zack so stand in front of the wall and hold the sign. quit moving around." I said as I took his photo. Ray then took mine while I gave the camera the bird with my tongue sticking out. Zack took Ray's but he hit the button too hard and made it blurry. "Here bitch happy?"Zack said and the door opened to the next area.

      I walked through along with Zack and ray into another room with dolls everywhere. This day just keeps getting better. "Ray start looking for a switch and let's see if we can get the door open." I said as I turned my head toward the dolls and looked at the chair in the front of the room. I opened storage lockers and kicked boxes but found nothing. Zack complained"I'm tired." "Then sit your whiny ass somewhere." I replied with a huff. "You want me to just pop a squat in a dolls lap. no thanks." He said and then sat like a king on the electric chair. I didn't know if he had a death wish or what.

   "Dude you have no brain."I said as he just stared at me bored."What did you say?!" He shouted as I rolled my eyes." Your sitting in an electric chair and are holding a metal weapon. I didn't know you had a death wish there mummy. Way to flirt with the grim reaper." I sarcastically replied. The curtain then shut and I heard "What the hell?!" from Zack. They open again to hit strapped to the chair. There was a TV to the right of him and then an all too cheery voice came on around the same time. "Hi welcome to the cathy show. Oh my,it seems Zack has plopped down right in the electric chair. It's time for a trial and every trail needs a judge." She said. Her heart shaped face,blonde and pink hair,and her outfit looked like a cheap whore with a circus fetish. People like her annoy me the most. She then pressed a button under her heel before I heard the sound of high pitched electricity running though wires.

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