Floor of annoyance

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        I woke up on a cot in the middle of a small room. "How did I get here? My head is killing me and I am not in the mood for this bullshit." I shouted the statement into the empty room. I raised my hand to my head and the tender scalp shouted it's displeasure. I was annoyed at how it smelled like a dead body in here and I found the source of the smell as soon as I open the door. My axe had been implanted into the wall with a giant splatter of dark red and it made drag marks." Well that's unprofessional." I mumbled under my breath as i followed the drag stain into an empty room. There was a window with a giant,cobolt blue moon in the window that honestly made me sigh. I was no stranger to freaky shit but this was just a little unsettling for me. I walked out of the room and kicked open another door with another splatter and a shaking woman in the middle of the room. She was small in size and had blood on her face and hands Her eyes and face were crazed as she faced me with a knife that looked like a buoy blade."Lady I know what your thinking but i wouldn't do it if I were you." I said as she stood to her feet.

     With a grin she ran toward me with the knife raised. I huffed as I kicked her in the stomach and into the wall behind her. She recovered and I slapped her face while I gripped her wrist with the knife breaking it. She screamed as Her hand went limp and the knife clattered to the floor. " I am a professional killer lady and remember when I advised against you doing that? You saw me and thats a problem for me so I am going to be nice . I'm going to smoke a cigarette first before I kill you. Run and find a place to hide or find a weapon for all I care. You have until I'm done starting."I took one from my pocket and brought lighter the the tip burning it."Now." I smiled when she ran from me screaming bloody murder. This to me is really funny but she won't get away from me. I flicked my smoke into the corner of the wall and walked out the room. It was done anyway. I walked from room to room and behind one of the door i heard footsteps. 

   My foot connected with the door to the sight of her again but this time she was eating a peice of raw meat."That is just sick." I sneered as I took my axe  off my back and smiled as her eyes got wide. " I don't understand why you are so stupid but whatever not my problem." I swung my axe sending her head fling with a thick spray after it. I then grabbed the key she had around her neck. I walked back to the room with that pretty toy and put it in my boot.It was a shame to shed her crazy blood but I can't have her talking about me now. You know what they say about loose lips. I then walked over to the elevator,pressed the button and waited.

    "Attention all residents the woman on the bottom is declared a sacrifice. All floors please make preparations."

      Ah,shit. What kind of wonderland did I get stuck in and who the hell runs this asylum? I thought as my hands tightened on my ax grip. The doors opened to what looks like a hospital as my feet connected to the floor with a loud thump. My heavy steel toe boots making a loud sound on the empty floor. My eyes scanned the area as I slowly walked toward the door I saw light under. I opened it to see a yellow blur run past me and down the hall. I smiled and followed the sound of  boots hitting the floor until it disappeared into another room. So that's how they want to play? Fine by me then I guess as i used my foot to kick in the door handle. The door flew open to reveal a ten year old girl with blue eyes that were filled with fear and waist length blonde hair that was lighter then my own. "Kid how did you get here?" I asked the frightened child. She stared at my battle axe and then at me. I chuckled lightly "I'm not gonna kill ya kid. I have no idea how to get out anyhow." My southern draw came out as I bent down to crouch on the floor. I rested my axe against my leg and smiled at her. "There is no need to fear me I promise I don't kill kids." She looked at me suspiciously but stopped shaking. "I was brought to this hospital." She stated to me. I stood up " Well you answered my question so I'll give you my name. It's Rain." I said while putting my axe on my back. " Rachel Gardner." She said with a hand out. I took it and pulled her to her feet.

           I headed to the elevator and then looked at it through this security gate.I could break it but then what. Rachel walked into a room with a computer sitting on a desk. I gave it a curious glace and sat by the wall while She was answering the questions on the screen. I sighed when I heard her say "I saw a terrible murder." This answer might explain why she was here. It was then my eyes drifted to the wall with faded writing on the wall. " My curiosity is going to be the death of me"I mumbled as I walked over to the wall.

   "Who really are you?                                                                                                                                                               You should ask yourself                                                                                                                                                       Who am I? The real myself or the one I believe to be?                                                                                            An Angel? or a Sacrifice?                                                                                                                                                     Know yourself and new doors will open."  

   That's cryptic I thought as I walked back to the sound of a door sliding open.I waited for the child to leave the room as I pulled on my hood and walked to the elevator. I hear the doors shut as soon as they did " Attention all floors Rachel Gardner  is also a sacrifice." I looked at her strangely and said " Some one is has their panties in a twist. What did ya do? Steal a pack of gum?" I joked while looking at her. Rachel however did not laugh. I watched her pale face get paler. " I got ya kid chill." I said as the doors slid open." Let the games begin."I said.

*Ok so the next hapter is going to be Zack and Rain meet along with Rachel so yay let the fun start. This is going to be so much fun. I am the author so I'll have the next part coming soon. I am doing a two part upload so kind of like  pro and chapter one. Thanks for reading. *

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