Target Acquired

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           I woke up with the feeling of warmth by my body and a heavy arm around my body. Zack was beside me sleeping deeply as I stood out of bed. I left him in my room when i changed and grabbed my axe. I softly closed the door and went to check on Ray. She was in the training area with the other children with a small smile on her face. I then went to see my boss to get my new target assignment."Your target is a mafia boss in the southwest. He was last spotted in Arizona with several guards. He enjoys a certain bar in the evening and you will find him there during the evening."She said while throwing a file in my direction. I flipped through it before placing it in my trench coat."I will leave immediately."I said and turned my heel to walk out the door.I then walked back to my room and begun to pack.

    The noise woke up Zack who stared at me"Hey,what the hell are you doing?" He said grumpily. I turned to meet his eyes."I have a job to do so I'll be gone for a couple of days."I said when he sat up and begun rubbing his face. He froze at my statement. A few days wasn't that long to me."So your abandoning me and Ray?!"He shouted at me with his hand balled in the sheets. I sighted because I wasn't in the mood for an argument. I wasn't abandoning them because I refused to put them in harms way."I will not let you and Ray get hurt again and I refuse to take you with me."I said calmly as I zipped up my bag. He moved faster then I thought he could and pinned me to the door."Listen here stubborn bitch, I go where you do. I am not a child and you  won't be going anywhere without me."He growled in my face with my hands pinned to the door.

   I gave the meanest stare I could which made his grip tighten on me."I am not your damn wife nor your mother. Your a serial killer, why the fuck do you care about me anyway? I am doing this to protect you and Ray why can't you see that?!"I shouted back while struggling in his hold.His eyes went dark and he released my wrists. I stared at him with anger and concern which was a confusing emotion."Just go then. Get out of here."He said coldly to me which made me think about what I said. I then realized anyone he cared about betrayed him and abandoned him. There was no apology for my words,no taking it back. I swung open the door while glancing over my shoulder."I will be back because I care about you and Ray. If you want to come with me meet me down stairs in five minutes with everything you need."I said in the room before closing the door to find Ray.

     I placed my bag on the floor of the training area when Ray ran up to me."I have to leave for a few days on an assignment so I need you to stay here with the others. I promise I'll come back to you."I said. Her face turned to horror."No you can't leave me. I want to go too I promise I'll be useful. Please don't leave me."She begged with tears in her eyes. I placed my hand on her head with a smile on my face."Don't cry kid, I am just going for awhile and while I'm gone you can fight with Prince and the other kids. Show me your progress when I get back."I said while wiping her eyes and hugged her tight. I then looked at Prince who gave me a grin and nodded his head. My Ray will be safe here at least for the moment.

    I picked up my bag again and walked to the front door with heavy steps. I waited for awhile at the front for Zack but he didn't show up. I figured after what I said to him he wouldn't."Hey took ya long enough."Zack said behind me with his scyth in his hands. I met his eyes with surprise because I thought he wouldn't show up."I thought after what I said to you you were gonna stay away."I said when I threw my bag into the black shuttle waiting. He gave me a scowl"My hands are itching for a kill and you aren't going to have all the fun."I shrugged at him but I was relieved for the back up. This was going to be a tough ride especially since every cop is going to be looking for Zack.

    "Here wear this."I said as I threw him a long sleeved black hoodie and blue jeans. I also threw him a red wig to hide his hair. I finished the look with dark shades and he complained the entire time. I then changed my appearance to match my disguise. I put in grey contacts for my eyes then changed from my usual black to a red plaid skirt and a black tank top with the word drama across the front. I then wore a black wig to hide my bright hair. My scars and tattoos I covered with foundation to conceal them."Gotta say I am liking the skirt."Zack said as he rubbed his hand over my bare thigh. I smacked his hand away which only made him more touchy. He reached for the middle of the skirt and I held a taser to his neck."Try me mummy."I said as I looked over my file on the mafia boss. 

      Zack looked at me with an angry scowl. He pulled his hands away but took the photo from the file I was reading. "This prick we gotta kill?"He asked while I handed him more photos of the mafia gang."They all have to die."I said with a smile on my face man did I love my job.We arrived at the airport to a jet waiting for us. He looked at the plane in awe. I grabbed my bag and slapped it on the plane baggage department. I then grabbed his dufflebag from the car and it was heavy. I then had an idea and dropped it on the ground. It moved and I instantly knew we had a stowaway."Ray get out of the bag."I said while looking at the bag on the ground. The zipper moved and out popped my favorite blonde with dead eyes."Did you know she was in there?"I asked Zack and he shook his head no. I sighed while gripping her jacket and dragging her on the plane.

       I sat down with Ray and buckled her on the plane."Not a word kid or I will kill you."I said as I looked her with a scowl. I was pissed as I grabbed a stunned Zack and dragged him on the plane too. I strapped him in the seat and threw his bag in the baggage holder before getting on the plane. I had strapped myself in behind Ray and Zack while the plane took off. Zack started to stare out the window in wonder as the plane evened out in the sky creating a ground of clouds."First time on a plane huh?"I asked him when I took off my seat belt."I'm a serial killer on the run from the cops give me a break bitch."He replied with sarcasm. I grabbed ray's seatbelt and then brought her to the row with me."Ray what the hell were you thinking?!The altitude would have killed you and the irresponsibility of hiding yourself in a bag. I can't even start on how stupid it was for you to follow us."I lectured her while we were in the air. I was pissed but I was also worried about her."Geez mom chill out."Zack said in front of me earning a hard slap to the head.

     Ray looked at her boots in silence."I didn't want you to leave me so I thought to put myself in Zack's bag so I could go too. I figured I could sneak out and hide on the plane until we landed and you not find me until we got there."She said sadly. I blew out a breath between my teeth in frustration."Kid I didn't want you to come because there will be people trying to kill us and you could be used against us. You could also be killed. I wanted you to be safe."I hugged her to my chest and stroked her hair. Zack turned to stare at me as I started to chew on my lip and look at Ray. I was scared for Ray and Zack because I wasn't the only one anymore. I wasn't alone and had things I cared about. I couldn't afford to be reckless even for a moment."We will protect her, both of us will. Ray is a smart girl  she can take down a few assholes.Don't worry so much we got this."Zack said to me while lightly bonking my head with his fist. One thing is for sure for me, I had the one thing I always wanted: a family.

*Thats the end of the first book for Zack and the Killer. I will continue the story in book two. Zack and the Killer: Hitman  Until then It's been a journey and thanks for reading*

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