I can't constantly be fixing you.

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Jack to Ellie

jack: What the fuck?!

ellie: What, babe?

jack: Ellie, why would you do that?!

ellie: He was being rude.

jack: We were arguing! It was just a clarifying argument!

ellie: He was being a dick! And what even is the deal with him and his fag boyfriend. Not just his fag boyfriend but his freak friends!

jack: Ellie...those are my friends.

ellie: But Jackieee, you have me now! :)
ellie: You don't need anyone else, babe.

jack: So now I'm not allowed to have friends?

ellie: Honey, you act like I'm your keeper.
ellie: You can have friends... Maybe you just need to meet my friends!

But I don't like your friends.

jack: What's wrong with my friends?

ellie: They're not your friends, Jack.
ellie: They're your bullies! They say mean things to you, to me! They use you just for some extra attractions. You're a charity case to them...but to me? You're the best! To me, you're my baby because I love you! I've always loved you, ever since first grade in Mrs. Wittle's  class.

jack: You did?

ellie: Yes, Jackie!

jack: They can be mean sometimes...

ellie: Mhm! They're not good people, Jack!

jack: I suppose...

ellie: I'm sorry, baby! I love you!!!

jack: love ya too.

ellie: Jack!!! "Love you" is what friends say! "I love you" is what boyfriend and girlfriends say!

jack: Right, sorry! I love you too.

ellie: Thanks, love!!

jack: You're welcome.

Jaeden to Wyatt

jaeden: baby?
jaeden: are u ok?

wyatt: im so fucking angry rn

jaeden: that wasnt nice of her to do

wyatt: she isnt a nice fucking person

jaeden: are u mad at me too?

wyatt: no baby m not mad at you

jaeden: ok :)))
jaeden: i love you

wyatt: i love u too baby boy

jaeden: :) <3
jaeden: what are we gonna do?

wyatt: no idea
wyatt: has anyone said anything?

jaeden: no i think everyone left when u and jack startes fighting

wyatt: i didnt mean to fight with him i just got upset
wyatt: finn told me he hates himself
wyatt: i think he doesnt wanna live anymore

jaeden: is he ok now?
jaeden: im sure he saw the fight

wyatt: idk
wyatt: i just wanna give him time to breathe

jaeden: good idea
jaeden: im just worried about him

wyatt: ik baby
wyatt: i am too

jaeden: do u think jack will ever realize ellie is mean?

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