Let it be

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wyatt: babe?

jaeden: whaaa

wyatt: im worried about jack

jaeden: me too

wyatt: he hasnt talked in over 5 days thats not like him

jaeden: ik he hasnt talked to me since after ur guys's fight too

wyatt: what if hes hurt?

jaeden: hes not i saw him post on my other acc

wyatt: then whats wrong with him???

jaeden: ellie?

wyatt: i think it is her now that u say that

jaeden: i mean usually he texts within the hour once a fight is done

wyatt: ikikik hes being weird

jaeden: hows finn?

wyatt: idk
wyatt: he wont talk to me about his feelings

jaeden: m sorry babe

wyatt: is ok im not the one hurting anyway

jaeden: yes u are i can tell

wyatt: im sorry u have to see this baby

jaeden: tis aight
jaeden: it happens and i think its good that it is happening

wyatt: y do u say that?

jaeden: once jack realizes how bad ellie is hes gonna wanna get with finn more than he already does

wyatt: hopefully

jaeden: itll happen just gotta be patient


my hoes💞

sophia: hola bitches

millie: :00
millie: hiuii

sophia: sup babeeee

millie: sUp bAbE

sophia: rUdE i CaMe oUT tO hAvE a GoOd TiMe aNd iM hOnEsTLy fEeLinG sO aTtAcKeD riGht nOw

millie: lets have a good time together babygirl ;)))

sophia: only if im bottom ;)

ellie: You two are so gross.

millie: qUiCk LiCk mY tOnGuE sOph

sophia: :U

millie: nvm dont lick my tongue

ellie: Why can't you guys just be normal?

sophia: normal = loser

millie: normal = gay

ellie: I'm normal.

millie: lmao we know

ellie: At least I'm not two dykes. Have you guys seriously never wondered why you literally only have two girl friends each? You're friends with a bunch of guys because all of you have one thing in common. You all like girls.
ellie: Well except Finn.

sophia: gawd im so fuckin gay cmere mills lemme make love to u as we ignore ellie

millie: sí papí
millie: wait wtf u mean besides finn???

ellie: Finn's a fag.

sophia: what is it about finn that u hate so fucking much?

ellie: He's digusting. He's fat. He's a fag. And he thinks he's so much better than everyone.

millie: Finn Wolfhard right????

ellie: Yes, he's a douche bag.

sophia: oh honey u dont know finn at all

ellie: Don't call me that. Only Jack can.

millie: oNLy jAcK cAn

sophia: okay we get it ure both a happy couple

ellie: We love eachother.

sophia: i can only imagine the children

millie: i wonder whos traita are gonna dominate

sophia: hopefully the one who doesnt look like mule

millie: wouldnt get too hopeful i hear the mother's genes are more dominant most of the time

ellie: You both are so rude! I do not look like a mule!!! Jack is with me NOT Finn. Quit thinking Jack is a good for nothing faggot and just accept that he's too good for you. He's with me and why would I settle for less than perfect?!

millie: wowza

sophia: princess had a break down lmao

jeremy: jeez ya wanna say that again? i don't think hitler knew u were in the douchebag competition

ellie: Piss off, fatty!

jeremy: whksjshakjsks

chosen: hey! dont talk to jere like that!

jeremy: blwhwkjw is this being protected?

jaeden: ellie why are u so mean to us? what did we do?

ellie: You're all useless, pathetic, dirty fags that don't do anything but contract STD's from eachother all day. Jack deserves better.

finn: and ure better?

ellie: Shut up, fag.

jaeden: ure right jack does deserve better
jaeden: he deserves so much better
jaeden: so why dont u do all of us a favor and fuckimg leave so we can be better for him

wyatt: go baby boy!!

jaeden: thx bby

jack: What?

ellie: Baby! They're being so mean! Telling me I'm not good enough for you and that you deserve better!

sophia: jack thats not true

jack: What do you mean, Soph?

ellie: Sophia and Millie called me a slut!

jack: What?

millie: no we didnt!

jack: Why can't you guys just drop Finn and I? I don't and never will like him like that. I'm not even sure I did in the first place. Either way, Finn hurt me and Ellie is making it better now. So if you all could just fuck off and leave me alone that'd be great.

finn: thanks jack glad to know i wasnt enough for you.

jack: Finn...

wyatt: just leave jack
wyatt: well once again clean up ur mess

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finn: sometimes i wish i didnt care for u as much as i do

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