I wish I didn't care so much...

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wyatt: i just dont understand why you would go behind ALL of our backs like that!

jaeden: wyatt hes my friend too

wyatt: okay so?!
wyatt: hes my friend and he messed up
wyatt: im allowed to be mad at my friends

jaeden: okay... and i get that but wyatt you were shutting him completely out...
jaeden: and i understand that finn is your best friend and you love him a lot fuck i love finn a lot too but jack is also our friend and i dont wanna lose him either

wyatt: i never once said that i was shutting ANYONE out.

jaeden: really?! you didnt completely ignore him at the movie? you didnt exclude him from the group?! i love you wyatt but sometimes youre a fucking douchebag


jaeden: and you know this because youre some type of fucking god?! sorry i forgot you know everything ill shut my mouth.

wyatt: im not fucking saying that.
wyatt: im saying that im pissed off that you didnt even check with anyone especially finn that it was okay that you invited him. you once again went off with your own selfishness and did whatever you wanted.

jaeden: you know what next time ill just go off on my own with him okay?! hows that? because honestly you dont get fucking shit about how i feel right now. my bestfriends and boyfriend are fighting with my bestfriend of fourteen years. forgive me for showing him some fucking mercy.

wyatt: hes literally ignoring us for ellie and you wanna fucking be nice to him?!



jaeden: but you act like it. you act like every fucking thing is a big deal. every fucking person whos a dick is five seconds from getting their teeth knocked in. just stop being a fucking douchebag.

wyatt: so im the douchebag for protecting my friend?

jaeden: youre the douchebag because youre bullying one friend because of a situation we're not even apart of.

wyatt: youre fucking dumber than i thought.

jaeden: thanks glad to know you always thought i was dumb.

wyatt: jae i didnt mean it like that...

jaeden: goodnight wyatt
jaeden: i have things to think about.

wyatt: jae... im sorry okay? i didnt mean it like that honest
wyatt: i love you...


"Wyatt?" Finn asked, walking through the door frame to his room. Wyatt looked up from his phone, his cheeks and nose were flushed due to the anger coursing through them just moments before.

"Yeah, Finn, " Wyatt breathed, throwing his phone down against the soft comforters.

Finn hesitated, "are you okay?" Finn moved slowly to sit on the edge of Wyatt's bed by his feet, a concerned look showing onto his face.

Wyatt huffed loudly and let out a humorless laugh, "Jae and I were just fighting... I got angry and called him dumb by accident, now he's pissed at me."

"Why were you guys fighting?" Finn asked softly, his eyes wandering around Wyatt's face and room as he listened.

A groan ruptured from Wyatt's lips as he leaned back until his ceiling was in view. "Because sometimes that's what we do. I don't know how else to explain it. We were fighting about Jack coming to the movie with us..."


"Yeah! I was saying he should have checked with us especially you and he was saying that I was trying to cut Jack out of my life and was being douchey to him, " Wyatt vented, his hands going up to rub roughly at his eyes.

Finn nodded quietly, his own opinion forming. "Why was it such a big deal that Jack showed up?"

Wyatt scoffed in surprise and looked at Finn in shock, "are you serious?! This whole week we were supposed to be spending quality time just us without him because I don't mean to remind you but he kinda sorta broke your heart and still has yet to apologize."

Finn's gut clenched painfully at the reminder but he pushed past it. "Well yeah...but I knew I was gonna see him at one point.."


"Well, I mean, Duh? This is his hometown, I'm hanging out with his friends. Not that we're not friends it's just you guys have been friends for years. I kinda suspected that I'd see him, " Finn admitted, his fingers tracing his own nails as he attempted to voice his own opinion.

"Why did you come then?" Wyatt asked he sat back up and his eyes trained onto Finn's nails.

Finn shrugged, "I wanted to see everyone...even Jack. I know I'm an idiot for wanting to see him but he's like a breath of fresh air for me."

"You're not an idiot, Finn."

Finn huffed a humorless laugh, "I act like it."

Wyatt shook his head and huffed too, "but you're not. I get angry a lot and lash out but that doesn't make me a dick."

"Jae says otherwise, " Finn pointed out, connecting the gaze of the two.

"I know...but I guess I was being really mean to Jack." Finn nodded along and smiled at Wyatt. "You know, I tell myself every day that I don't but I really do miss him...I just don't think I can forgive him, " Wyatt whispered, smiling sadly at Finn.

"How come?" Finn asked.

Wyatt sighed heavily, his chest felt heavy, "him and I used to be really close... And to be thrown away like that...it hurts..."

Finn nodded, empathizing with Wyatt. "Yeah, I know how that one feels."

"I can't imagine how you feel... If I had gone through half of what you've gone through with Jae I think I'd kill myself by now..." Wyatt admitted.

Finn's eyebrows rose, he had thought about it multiple times but he always told himself that he was just being dramatic, that maybe if he had some hope then Jack would realize his mistakes. "You really love him?"

"I mean, yeah. Who wouldn't?! Jae is everything to me, " Wyatt breathed the last part, his mind playing images of his boyfriend as he spoke about him.

"How do you know when you love someone?"

Wyatt shrugged, trying to think of how he and Jaeden had come to love each other. "It's... Well, it's not always easy. Sometimes Jae wants to punch my teeth in and other times I want to just scream at him. But when we're done being angry at each other it's amazing... You kinda just look at them one day and realize 'this is it, this is my world.' I realized that a year after dating him officially. Jaeden is just...he's the one for me, I know it. I really don't just know it I can also feel it. I feel it in my stomach and in my head, in my heart and chest, even my arms and legs. It's like floating in forever happiness...even when you're mad at them."

"It sounds awesome, Wy, " Finn breathed, thinking of him and Jack.

"It is."

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