Chapter 5

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At 7 am on Saturday morning, I awake to realize that I am still at Ethan's condo. He is fast asleep beside me, his right hand on the blanket just in front of me. I tug on his hand gently to rouse him from his slumber, though he looks very peaceful at this moment.

His eyes open slightly. I greet him softly "Good morning, Sunshine."

Ethan smiles, but doesn't answer. He's not silly enough to say "moonshine" like me.

We gaze at each other for a few minutes before any more words are spoken. It's that time of morning when you aren't fully aware, but you are awake enough to feel like you should be doing something.

"Morning, Gorgeous." Ethan finally speaks as I come into focus.

Ethan has always told me how pretty I am. Even back in middle school, he hardly paid any attention to the other girls. He had me at his side, so he never had to waste his time on anyone he felt didn't measure up.

We never dated, though, always preferring to remain best friends. A lot of the kids at school assumed we were dating, because of how close we seemed, even nominating us for best couple several times in the yearbook. However, the closest we came to being a couple was making out at his house after school. We practiced with each other, partially to gain experience before dating other people and partly out of post school boredom. At any rate, we were there for each other, acting as a shield against the awkwardness of adolescence.

After school was, also, when Ethan honed his skills for tying girls up. I'll never forget the first time he asked me if he could tie me up. I was a bit confused. I had never heard of bondage before and wasn't really sure why he would want to do that. But, I agreed, because I knew he wouldn't hurt me. The first time, he used some shorter lengths of rope and just tied my wrists together in front of me and my ankles to each other. He gave me a cloth gag that he fashioned from an old t-shirt. Ethan made it a point to show me that it was easy to get out if I needed to. But, it was fun. I found that I relaxed, because, well, it was Ethan. And, it helped me forget about all the homework stress. 

At any rate, I never felt threatened by bondage, so he would tie me up in lots of different ways. And, when some of the other girls found out about his penchant for bondage, they started to come over and get tied up as well. Some of the kids were having sex, while us cool kids were playing bondage games before our parents got home from work.

Ethan has brought a blush to my cheeks with his early morning greeting. He makes me feel loved and accepted.  "I think I need to get going," I finally utter something that makes sense after my reverie. Those days were a lot of fun.

"Okay" he plays with my hand as he replies reluctantly. I can tell he wants me to stay, but he knows I have to go home at some point.

We ease ourselves up off the floor. Ethan stands, leans down and offers me his hand. I latch my hand in his as he pulls me up. Beaming at him, I  then turn and head for the spare bedroom. I can feel him looking at me as I amble across his living room. Oh geez. I am so incurably comfortable with Ethan that I forget I'm not wearing pants. But, I continue on, not shrinking away from his ogling.

Once I make it to the bedroom, I change back into my clothes and organize my things. I leave Ethan's shirt folded neatly on the end of the full size bed and return to the living room.

Ethan is still wearing pajamas and has started brewing coffee in the kitchen when I make it back to him. We sip our coffee in quiescence when it is ready. After coffee, I walk to the front door with my bag, and Ethan is only one step behind during the short distance.

I glance up at Ethan. He smiles down at me adoringly and then wraps one arm around my waist and the other around my shoulder. I stay in his arms for a minute before dragging myself away. He pulls me back, leans down and resolutely kisses me on the lips before releasing me.

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