Chapter 8

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Thankfully, Wednesday comes quickly. I still feel utterly dejected, but recognize the value in getting out of bed and having a day, regardless. I pop up from the bed and notice the cell phone at my bedside is flashing. I unlock the phone to find that Ethan has texted me: "What happened with Kathy yesterday?"

I quickly bang out a response: "She let me go from the Harbinger. "

I hit send and then toss the phone down on the bed. I do not really want to get into this just yet. 

While taking an exigent shower,  I futilely try to abate the tyrannical feelings and thoughts that plagued me the previous day. Then, I proceed to get dressed and spend a bit of time putting makeup on to brighten up my tired, ashen face before I finish getting ready for work. 

I really do not feel like going to the book store today, but it will help distract me and undeniably, I need the money. 

Grabbing my cell phone and keys,  I impetuously fly out the front door. I hop in the Scion and make my way over to Citrona. As I am driving up the small city thru street, Citrona (yes, a song by the same name as the road I am driving down) by Flip-Turn plays in the car. The melancholy melody soothes my soul and makes the drive a little less burdensome. The distance in the lead singer's voice pulls at you, but relieves you at the same time. 

I still feel the crushing pain in my chest, the inability to take deep breaths, and am barely able to keep tears at bay. But, the words "This too shall pass" come ringing into my consciousness. Ethan said this to me years ago when my high school boyfriend dumped me for a perky cheerleader. The relationship only lasted a few months and I felt vindicated when she dumped him for a college boy. Ethan was right. 

Once I turn left on Atlantic Ave, I am already starting to feel a little more at peace. Atlantic quickly merges with Centre and before I know it, I have reached the marina. 

After parking to the left of the marina, I take a few moments to just watch the water glisten. Wind sweeps through the smoke coming out of the smoke stacks at the paper mill.  Bounding out of the car, I make my way up the street to the book store. It's a peaceful serene, welcoming moment. I do my best to cherish it. 

I am not quite in the door at the book store when I feel Ethan's arms encircling me in an analeptic embrace. "I am so sorry, babe" he says soothingly. He enfolds me in his arms for a few moments before leaning down to kiss me on the top of my head. 

"Come on. Let's get started with the day." I respond as I grab his hand and lead him to the counter to start the reports. "I could really use some distraction right about now."

"Wait. Did you tell Jonathan? What did he say?" he asks compassionately. 

I answer truthfully, "Jonathan never came home last night. I haven't had the chance to tell him yet."

"Oh no. That sucks." Ethan's face has now changed. He now has a phantasmal expression in place of his usual, mellow smile. And, for once, Ethan appears to not know how best to comfort me. He looks down at me with something between empathy and compassion. 

"Come on. Why don't we play a game. How about Six Degrees of John Grisham?" I suggest trying to lighten the mood. 

Ethan responds, "Sure. You want to go first?" he is being extraordinarily generous letting me begin. 

"Yes." And before my mind makes a full connection with my mouth, I have blurted out "Kevin Bacon!"

Ironically, if we were working in FYE, the game would be called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. But, since we are in a book store, the game is John Grisham.

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