Chapter 7

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Tuesday morning comes quickly. Thank goodness. I don't think I can wait much longer to see what Kathy at the Harbinger has to offer me.

Usually, I take too much time trying to wake myself up in the shower and washing all the product out of my hair. But, today, I am already wide awake and ready for whatever comes my way. I spend much less time in the shower and a little more time than usual in front of the mirror applying makeup.

I put on the outfit that I hung on the doorknob to the closet the night before. And, I check myself three times in the mirror before turning away. I lean over Jonathan and kiss him smoothly on the lips before hopping off toward the living room. I hear the smile on his face when I exit the bedroom as he says "Good luck today! You look hot!" I didn't even notice his eyes popping open, at first. 

I practically skip past the kitchen as I gather my things to leave for the day. Most days, I would probably hang over the counter as I enjoy one to three cups of coffee, dragging myself up and out for the day. But, today is special. I would much prefer a Starbucks. Besides, I am too excited to stagnate along on my way to work today.

I hop in my Scion and head down the road. I have decided to leave a little early, so I can go in the opposite direction, and stop at Starbucks on Sadler before arriving at the book store. They do have a bantam coffee shop close to the store downtown. However, it is no match for Starbucks when you're having a really excellent morning.

The sun shines radiantly through my windshield, as I make my way south on 14th Street. The glorious weather matches my mood and I am too content to even notice the line when I pull into the parking lot at Starbucks. I daydream as I wait in the drive thru line. When I reach the ordering screen, I ask for two venti cinnamon dulce lattes with an extra shot of espresso each, extra whipped cream.

I may not have bought lunch yesterday, but I will pay my penance with really good coffee for losing the book title game. I know Ethan will like the coffee and be as grateful for it as I am. 

After my impromptu coffee run, I make my way back down to Centre Street, just as the bright sunlight peeks through the tree tops. Of course,  the marina in the distance appears to have a halo above from the sunshine rising up over the horizon. It is going to be as beautiful a day as my spirit is soaring.

 As I slowly make my way down the main road downtown, I notice that it is quiet and serene. The usual visitors and morning traffic have not crowded the side walks yet. I park just across the road from the book store and skip across the street a little too easily in my colorful high heels. I sense I look a little silly, considering the laid back island vibe here. But, who is standing by to watch anyway?

I forge my way through the door of the book shop and am slightly shocked to find Ethan is not here yet as I punch in the alarm code. I lay the lattes on the counter, put my purse under the desk and continue to find all the lights and turn them on. Then, I head behind the counter and fire up the computer.  I am beginning to print out daily reports as Ethan saunters through the door. It is a little unusual for him to arrive after me. But, I don't dwell too long on his tardiness when I notice that his eyes appear to pop as he studies me.

"Wow! You look awesome, Emily!" Ethan offers enthusiastically.

 I walk in front of the counter and curtsy as I say, "Why, thank you, my dear", and add, "I brought you a latte from Starbucks. It's payment for my loss yesterday". Like I need an explanation to give Ethan the gift of coffee.

Ethan unceremoniously takes two giant leaps forward and captures me in his arms in a giant bear hug. He lifts me off the ground for a second before planting my feet back on the ground and giving me a lingering kiss on the cheek. "Damn, Jonathan is so lucky to come home to you every night", he says further muttering his appreciation of my appearance.

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