Chapter 15

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The whole rest of the day Wednesday is useless. Maybe I should have gone to the book store today. I mean, April has hardly even been showing up lately. I could have dealt with her sitting in the office for a few hours and leaving early as usual. I determine that I will go to the store tomorrow, and try to put the April and Jonathan situation out of my mind.

Promptly at 5 pm, my cell phone rings. It's Ethan. Thank goodness. I was getting terribly bored and my wayward thoughts have taken control.

"Hey, Em. How are you?" Ethan asks attentively.

"Good. I am actually a little bored," I admit.

"Glad I hid all the rope then!" I can hear him smile.

"No. I am not that desperate. I actually have stayed home most of the day. I wonder if I should have tried to go to work today." I speak honestly.

Ethan responds reassuringly, "It's fine, you know. Sometimes you need to take a day for yourself. But, April wasn't there. She is probably avoiding you as well."

"That's good to hear. It would be smart of her to stay away from me." I try to sound convincing.

"I was thinking more today about Shrimp Fest weekend," Ethan says still chuckling from what I said and clearly ready to change the subject. He adds, "I would definitely like to go out of town with you that weekend. It would be great for both of us. I'm sure we could get some of the teenagers to cover for us."

"I meant what I said before. I would love to go away with you that weekend. And, South Beach in Miami would be a great distraction." I respond guilelessly. Spending time anywhere else, but here,  with Ethan sounds like a really needed change of pace.

Ethan doesn't skip a beat, "Don't think anymore about it. Soon, everything will settle down. It just takes time." He soothes my psyche.

"Yeah. I know. I am just trying to take it one day at a time right now." I acknowledge him, but then add, "Anyway, we could try and find that neat Cuban restaurant we ate at a few years ago. But, I want to at least stay to see the shrimp fest parade, before we leave." I agree to his proposition of a getaway weekend. 

He sounds serious now, "Will you be okay tonight?"

"I'll be fine," I try to assure myself and Ethan with my words. What I would really like to do is go back over to Ethan's and curl up in his arms, and sleep with him again. But, I fear that may only postpone the inevitable. I have to will myself to get over it. "Thanks for last night, Ethan. I really needed that." I add warmly.

Ethan takes a moment to respond. He is probably a bit taken aback by last night's affairs as well. He venerated me with his words and actions in a way that he hasn't in the past. After a few more seconds of mulling a response, I hear "Thank YOU." He emphasizes the word, you, and then continues, "I needed you too."

I am stunned by his confession. There is now a guilty lump in my throat and I start to feel tears welling up in my eyes. I don't consider myself to be a self centered person. But, it did not occur to me until Ethan just said that. He was desiring companionship as well. "Awwwww" is the only response I can muster.

"Yeah. Yeah. Don't let it get to your head, okay. I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early, sunshine." He says betraying his own confession.

"Tomorrow, moonshine" I answer. Then I give him a big "muah" just to hear him chuckle before I hang up the phone. Talking to Ethan has slightly eased my suffering.

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The next few days fly by in utter monotony. I work up the tenacity to work at the book store on Thursday, against my better judgment. I only see April briefly Thursday and Friday when she breezes past me with a priggish grin both times. It enflames me. But, since the contact is so brief, I don't have the sense to get righteously indignant.

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