Bloody Three!

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This is still Age two. Three months after the bloodmoon(transformation)

As a child, she never really had to do anything. This was the wild. All she needed was the trail of ion and wam! A freshly killed deer with blood. Lots and lots of blood going to waste. She'd have her fill and leave the rest for other animals.

It didn't matter what had done that to the harmless prey. She was the strongest predator even at an immature age. All the animals knew that. They'd discard whatever they'd got, no matter what it was at her feet as soon as they sensed her presence.


As the days grew by. She started to feel a bit over pampered. And wasn't it just three months ago that she found out about her 'capabilities'? Yes.

Mastering up all courage and superiority, she ventured out with nothing but herself, keeping a goal in mind to hunt her own food. As if warned, no other predator went out that day, fortunately.

Third POV (as if we aren't already doing it)

Three hunters, all armed to the teeth, prepared for the worst. They knew the trouble they were getting into, so why not stop?

You see, this wasn't any normal forest. This was Konoha's main source of meat. Expensive and rare meat. All sorts of animals lived there. And it was also because 'all sorts' of animals lived there that they marked it as a dangerous and abandoned hunting ground.

But these three won't have it. The best hunters of konoha, ex chuunin. They were ignorant and foolish enough to venture out into the one place even their superior jonin never stepped foot in. That too at night.

This was the place that marked top score. It wasn't even suitably low enough to becoming a training ground. The one place worse than the forest of death.

The forest of suicide.


They were fearless-but incredibly stupid. It was one thing to venture into that place, it was another thing to do it whiles singing loud and uncultured profane songs.

If entering that place meant serving your head to the beasts, this was adding source and savoury. True, they were proud shinobi. But that was then! And everyone knew a talent not not practiced lost its shine.

Which was exactly why....

She watched them carefully from the shadows, reading their every move. Listening to their god awful voices.

One reason why she loved her hearing was because as she listened closely to their heartbeat, she realised why they sang.

Every single noise made, near and far caused a very loud ba-thumb. One that could surely cause a heart attack. They were terrified. Her lips went up into a smirk as she licked her lips.

Fresh blood coursing through their veins. Thick fresh blood. She could almost taste it. When one was scared, the heart pumped more blood. She loved the thrill.

It was Hunt Time!

The air became dryer as the temperature of the surroundings dropped immediately. Fear crawled at the backs of the trio as they still made their way through the thick grove of trees.

They had heard stories and seen the effects it had on the witnesses-or what was left of them anyway. And that made it ten times worse.

This forest had only one rule for outsiders, one tiny rule that even the hokage understood and obeyed. It was the exact same words that now stood tall and dripping with the insides of whatever creature they didn't want to know.


It was short and simple. One way. Once you entered, there was no coming back.  A five letter rule. Even a kid understood. So why didn't they?

"H-hey w-where's Josuke?" One asked, every bone in his body vibrating. "Don't tell me-"
The two's faces showed nothing but pure terror.





The leader let out a piercing girlish scream when he saw the object that was placed above the sign.



The object that once rested on the neck of the companion they could have sworn was with them a minute ago.

Their heads spun 180 degrees at a new sound. The whistle of a very very diabolic song.

It came from only one direction. A tiny shadow approached them. Short ebony hair barely reaching its shoulders. A black straight dress resting just above its knees. No imprint or designs.

Pale white skin as cold as ice with scarlet red eyes staring hungrily at them. It bared its fangs. Razor sharp and as long as they'll ever be. Protruding out of its fingers were treacherous claws that could rip anything to shreds.

"P-please s-spare us." The other begged. It didn't respond. It only stared. A soft whistle left its mouth as it walked slowly towards them and raised a finger.

Only one would be spared. The first to make it out would be saved. Who was going to abondon the other hmm?

It stared at both of them curiously. Who was going to? Who was the disloyal? The low whistle rang in their ears as they looked at each other with fear stricken expressions. Two best friends who did everything together. Were they going to die together as well? That we will see...

In Bloody Four!

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