Ann X Child! Reader

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This was requested by paultiteuf360 Sorry  for the long wait. I hope you enjoy!

The story of a 6 year old boy who is neglected by his father, a police officer trying to eliminate the phantom thieves. (Y/n) lives in a big mansion and lost his mother when he was a baby. He wishes to know the love of a motherly figure. His father is often absent from home and doesn't have enough time to take care of him. (Y/n) secretly likes the phantom thieves, especially Panther, whom he finds pretty.


"Ne-neglect?" The young child no older then six holds the giant red, dusty dictionary in his tiny hands, trying his hardest to read the definition. "Failing to care for"
He heard some of the mothers use the word while they were gossiping about him again. 

"Cursed child of the mansion" that's what everyone called him. 

"No friends, or family. All alone in a big mansion. What a sad life." A mother spoke while grabbing her child's hand.
"Oh? But I heard he has a father." Another said confused.
"Yes, but even he ignores the boy. After his wife died I heard he started working harder to avoid coming home."
"Does he think he's cursed as well!?"
"Who knows. I heard the man was always a workaholic."
"He's neglecting his child?"
"Who cares. It's not my problem."
The mothers quietly nodded and continued to gossip as the boy passed them.

"Mother." The boy flips through the pages of the dusty book until he finds the word he was looking for. "A woman in relation to her child or children. Bring up with care and affection." The boy slides his finger over the words in hope of gaining something he's missing. Sadly it's just a dusty page, what he wants can't magically jump out. He sighs and puts the dusty book back into it's place in his bookcase, sandwiched between his favorite picture books.
He strokes the spine one last time, still wishing for something to happen. To his surprise a large bolt of lighting hits the ground outside, followed by an incredibly loud roar of thunder. The boy jumps when he hears the floor creaking behind him. "Is someone there?" He turns his body toward the door to see who it is, but is greeted by his shadow cast by the single lamp in the room. 
Did you honestly expect something to happen just because he stroked the spine of a dusty book and wished with all his heart? Sorry, but life doesn't work that way. The book will always be dusty, and the boy, motherless. 

"Stupid book" The boy says with a pout. He leaves the library, dragging a chair behind him. He sits in front of the large window in the hallway and watches the rain fall. "I don't think dads coming home today. Ever since dad started investigating the phantom thieves he's been coming home less and less... Well, it's not like he was ever at home before." Suddenly a loud rumble emerges from the boy's stomach. "I should get something to eat and get ready for...Huh?"

The boy presses his face against the window to get a better look at the tree next to his house. The shadow of what looks like a person is standing behind it. "I-is someone hiding there?" The boy whispers. A flash of lightning covers the sky and blinds the boy. When his vision recovers the shadow behind the tree is gone. "Maybe... I imagined it?" The boy's stomach lets out another loud growl that could rival the thunder outside. "Yeah, my imagination. I must be so hungry I'm seeing things!" Ignoring whatever he just saw, the boy runs downstairs to the kitchen. After his kid cuisine dinner, the boy heads to his room to change. Now fully equipped in his Teddie bear footed pajamas, the child is ready for bed. He rests peacefully to the sound of rain. A dream of his mother reading stories and laughing with him plays in his head.

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