Chapter 1

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When My Heart Took Flight by Keepitinthecloset

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Summary: What happens when two people love each other,will fight to win their heart and fight for them from leaving?

Michael and nadine are bestfriends and they are in love. Will they tell each other how they feel or bury the hatchet by keeping it in the closet? What happens when their secret is revealed,will they be together or destory their well-established friendship,they had since they were teenagers?
Rated: M
Categories: Romance, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Song Fics, Adult, Angst, Off The Wall: 1975-1981, Thriller: 1982-1983, Bad: 1986-1990, Dangerous: 1991-1993, HIStory: 1995-1999, This Is It: 2006-2009 Characters: Lisa Marie Presley, Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: Domestic Abuse, Alcohol Abuse
Challenges: None
Series: Keepitinthecloset's Library
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes
Word count: 24465 Read: 2097
Published: Jul 03, 2012 Updated: Apr 07, 2013


I woke up for school when my annoying ass alarm went off as it played slow jams by various artists on 101.1 the old school, i went and took a shower as luther vandross rich, melodious voice came from the small alarm clock. I got out and wrapped a towel around me as i sang along with him. I got dressed in a black blouse, blue skinny jeans with words "rocka wear" etched on the pants leg and a chinese dragon on the other side. I slipped my blue and green jordans on and grabbed purse with everything i need in it. I grabbed my back pack and ran out my bedroom as i heard my mother to "hurry the hell up or im leaving ur white ass here and make u walk. I don't got all day shit. I have places to go and people to see damn" im 12 going on 13 and she cusses me out. Wow just wow. I got in the car on the passenger side and buckled my seat belt once i hear it click into place i sat back and close my eyes momentarily. My mother got in and shut the door to her side of the car. She put the car into drive and back out the driveway then drive off towards my school.

She arrived at my school and shut the engine off and got out. I got out the car and shut the door behind me as i check the time on my phone. I follow my mom to the office and entered the building trailing behind her as kids stared at me following my every move. I felt uneasy by the long and hard stares by the students even the teachers were staring their beady eyes at me. One boy caught my eye momentarily and oh boy let me tell u hes staring alright. He looked me over and smirked at me crossing his arms over his chest. Cocky much? I mocked him and cock an eyebrow at him. He smiled at how bold i was and walked away laughly darkly. Good he gone and he met someone that don't take his bullshit.

"What the hell yall looking at this ain't no freak show go to class." I yelled at them. I watched them haul ass and went to class, whispering as they did so. They act like they never seen a tomboy before in this school and don't judge a book by its cover, they always say.

I walked in the office that had bright blue and white freshly painted walls,big mail cubby slots for teachers that recieved mail here and glossy brown chairs lined neatly up against the wall for students and parents sit in while they wait also people sit there to see the principal who was sent there by their teachers. I looked around the office and seen the principal office,the vice principal office,receptionist desk and the guidance counselor office in the hallway walk past the receptional desk and secretary desk, when u do thats a hallway right there. The same boy i seen in the hallway came in and sat down crossing his arms over his chest and pouted adorablely. I studied him momentarily and noticed he was cute with his nice lips curved into a frown,his dark brown eyes sparkled a bright sparkle and his skin was a dark coffee brown color and his lean body sit in a good posture. He had a great body like a dancing king he is and his arms were pudgy with no muscles maybe not yet at least. He looked up and stared into my eyes for a good mintue then look away blushing. Aww hes shy and its cute.

"Hi im nadine mackey but u can call me nadia." i said, siting down and extended my hand out to him. He stared at my hand momentarily then placed his soft hand into mine and shook my hand as he stared into my light brown eyes.

"hi im michael jackson nice to meet u. Your very pretty u can call mike or michael or mikey doesn't matter to me." He said softly,carressing my hand with his big thumb.

" um nice to meet u too michael. Your beautiful." i said, boldly. He smiled and laughed.

"girl im not beautiful thank u for being nice to me your one in a million." Michael said, smiling and blushed a bright red. I smiled and blushed as well.

"um ok. Wanna be my bestfriend." i asked, hoping he will be ok with it.

"sure. I would love that." Michael said, smiling. I smiled brightly and gave him a hug.

"Jackson get ur ass in here now." The principal yelled. Michael looked at him annoyed and got up from his seat. "i hate kids," he added with a mumble.

"i hate u too." Michael mumbled,following him. Mr.johnston close the door behind and start his conversation or shold i say lecture.


2 p.m. Jacksonville norte Middle school

I sat in class obviously bored and anxious to go home to get away from these staring and rude teenagers sitting behind me,next to me and the ones across from me. I can't believe my mother sent me to all black school and its weird that im the only kid here. I placed my head phones in my ears and listen to brittany spears "hold it against me" as the teacher ramble on about slavery and civil rights. I yawned softly and looked at the clock over the white board. Michael threw a note on my desk and pretended to be listening to our boarding ass teacher preached about the subject of civil war and vietnam war. I opened the note and it read: i wish the teacher will some balls and shut up. -MJ. I laughed quitely at his smartass comments and wrote: ikr she needs to shes annoying. I looked to see if anybody was looking noone was i dropped the note on his desk and pretended to be listening to mrs.lanade. Michael stuffed the note in his pocket and lean towards my ear.

"Ikr. Shes annoying as a door knob." Michael whispered in ear. We laughed and laughed at the stuff we said. Mrs.lanade raise her eyebrow and shot us a look that was stern looking. I bit my tongue and stopped laughing. I started looking down and his my smile.

"Is there something that u find. Care to share." Mrs.lanade asked

"no he just told me a joke about president bush." i lied.

"principal office now." she yelled

"bitch." i mumbled, making michael laugh

" you have detention too mj and nadia get out." she yelled, turning red from anger. We walk outside and headed towards to the principal office.

Oh shit. My mother is gonna kill me.

Chapter End Notes:

Enjoy :)

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Name: Keepitinthecloset




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