Chapter 11

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A knock sounded at my bedroom door and i raise my head off of my tear-soaked pillow as i listened to a long string of profanity flow out of someone's mouth. I opened the door and there stood an frustrated Michael cursing. I tried to shut the door but he barged in and i sighed,not in the mood to deal with him at the moment. What surprised me is that he came up to me and hugged me tight. Me and Michael hadn't talk for an majority of 5 months and the truth is i missed him holding me in his arms just like this. He pulled back and show me an beautiful smile that lit up the room. I felt butterflies in my stomach reacting to his soft,beautiful smiles and how fucking gorgeous he look in his business suit. I walk toward him and caressed his cheek,loving the soft feeling of skin. I placed his hand on my cheek and closed my eyes,loving the way he tenderly strokes my face. I felt his warm lips on mine and i feel like i melted in his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and return his kiss after 5 mintues of being in shock. I feel like i am floating in mid-air above the white clouds in the sky and felt fireworks popped around us. When he deepened the kiss we both knew we are goners, i remembered that im married and i step back,feeling tears falling down my face. Michael looked at me in confusion and i could of swore,he look so hurt. I can't believe this shit,he like me all this time and i was too blind to see that he returned my feelings. I was beginning to move on and he starts to like me back or been liking me back for years.

"wait listen to me to what i have to say,first let me say something. I love you and i never stopped. I wish u was my man and i can treat u right if u just let me. But this is shocking to me,u told me u don't feel the way that i do and i was starting to move on cause i knew i can't be with u and then i realized u like me back. Why it takes years to finally let me know that u like me back and this is too shocking for me. We are diffrent and married to diffrent people,that's liking playing with fire I...."I trailed off when i felt him take my head in his hands and pressed his warm soft lips against mine,"what u doing,mmm." I couldn't finish my sentence cause due to the fact that his lips make me forget everything and make me so weak in the knees like u have no idea how much.

"I-I-I Love you too Nadine and i will never stop loving you,i rejected u cause i thought i loved my wife." He huskily replied and i shivered at sexy he sounds when he talks like that. I smiled through my tears and i moved his hair out of his eyes. His warm gentle brown eyes is beautiful and it's like im drowning in melting milk chocolate depths of his dark brown eyes. I capture his lips in long and passionate kiss that seem to last an eternity.

"Michael are u in there? Michael where are u." Lisa yelled making us pull apart shocked,feeling guilty and ashamed. 

"oh shit." I mumbled and ran an hand through my hair.

"Lisa im talking to Nadine,i will be out there in an mintue." Michael yelled back. Lisa scoffed and cursed as she went to sit in the living room,"Nadine I need u to understand something i love u and we can't be together." Michael started rubbing my shoulders and i looked up at him,searching his eyes. I kissed him one last time and started packing my things,"whoa what are u doing." He cried,noticing im leaving.

"it's best if we stop seeing each other til one gets their shit together and it ain't fair to our spouses. I never want to see you again and goodbye Michael." I responded,carrying my things out to my car and made sure i got everything before i drove off. Michael came running out and opened my cardoor,removing my carkeys. I jumped to get them but he moved them higher and i jumped,higher everytime but i couldn't reach them. Damn this tall casanova is to tall for me.

"give me my keys Michael,so i can go search for an apartment downtown." I shouted and he shook his head no in an cute way.

"no Nadine,im not losing u and u been living with me for years but now u want to move out. What about how i feel about this." Michael replied,being an ass about this stupid situtation.

"gimme my keys i know Karate and im an black belt,im not a violent person, but i will kick ur ass so chose ur answer wisely." I coldly snapped.

"Nadine don't go please,babe u can kick my ass all u want but im not giving u ur keys til u stay with me and return to being friends." Michael answered. I pull him in for an passionate kiss and reached for the keys,grabbing onto them. I pull away and got in my car,smiling. He looked dazed and watch me start my car. When he realized what happen and i drove off as he ran after my car. We didn't realize that Lisa seen the whole thing and became furious at the kiss between Me and Michael.

"I knew it and they think they can get away with this than think again." Lisa yelled morely to her self than anything and started coming up with an plan.


I opened my apartment door and brought my belongings inside. I refilled the refrigeator with food,juice,milk,beer and cheese. I opened an beer and sit down,turning the tv on to the weather channel to check the weather for today's forecast. I yawned slightly and changed the channel to an scary movie on Syfy. An girl was running from Mike Myers and he was chasing her. U can hear her screams and protesting for him not to kill her. I turn my head when he killed her and i grimaced,feeling sorry for the young girl. I jumped when someone knocked on my door and i opened the door,seeing an blonde girl in her mid 20s and an blonde man in his mid 30s smiling at me.

"we wanted to welcome our new neighbor to the apartment complex and we hope u enjoy ur stay." The Blonde girl spoke up and handed an apple pie to me. I smiled at their kind smiles and generousity.i thanked them.

"thank u,will u like to come in and make yourself comfortable?" I asked and the boyfriend shook his head no. The girlfriend agreed to come in for an while and she kissed her boyfriend, as he went to work.

"u guys make an beautiful couple." I smiled.

"thank u. I love him and he is an pilot in the airforce." She blushed and smiled. I smiled and sat down, as we watched movies.

"we are going to be the bestest friends ever and im glad that i met u." She cheerfully exclaimed. I chuckled,she is bright and bubbly. I learn later on that her name is Betty and she loves playing lacrosse on sundays,mondays and thursday during her free time. Time went by fast and it started getting dark as we laughed,talked and goof off about boys doing the impossible to women,that they are the asses and we are the self-righteous bitches. 

"it's time to go,my man is probably waiting for me and it is nice to meet u." She hugged me and i nodded,as she left. I closed the door behind her and climbed into my bed as i prayed before i went to asleep. I turn off my bedside lamp and went to asleep,dreaming of my white knight tonight. 

The sunlight bathe through the open curtains and i woke up,feeling good that i finally got an goodnight sleep. I grab an towel and went to take an shower. I got out and dried off as i wrap an towel around my waist. I look through my closet and found an black suit. I got dressed and made me breakfast. I grab an bagel and spread on some cream cheese. I finished eating and my ears perked up when i heard an noise inside my apartment. My husband is still sleeping and hadn't an sound from him,what could it be. He step out of the shadows and i gasped loud,knowing who it is.

"what are u doing here." I shouted

He smiled and didn't respond, as he walked towards me in the kitchen. My eyes widened and my heart started beating fast. Oh great,just great i have an stalker now,this is just great. I step back and he sighed,scratching his head nervously.

"get out." I shouted and again he didn't respond

I slid down the wall and held my face in my hands

This isn't going the way i hoped it would.

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