Chapter 6

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The Gentle waves of the ocean calm my nerves and i closed my eyes absorbing it all in. My hair flow around me in the night chill of the wind and the wind Caressed my skin. I opened my eyes and looked at the masterpiece of the colorful horizon. The hues of tint pink,orange and red look it been painted beautiful by an painter's brush. I walked along the beach and enjoying the night weather chill as i walk side by side with Janet,Jazzenda and Clarissa enjoying our girls night out in spain. Hot shirtless guys surfed on their surf boards in the waters of the beach and waved at their love ones. My fiance walked over to me and kissed my forehead. Maybe if i marry him and i let him love me, hopefully i will forget about my feelings for Michael. Paolo,my fiance is sweet and kind to me. Why i can't find him somewhat attractive and he finds me attractive? Why is the feeling not mutual? Lisa walked by with Michael and i automatically envied her. I sighed and walked away fuming. That bitch got nerve flaunting him around like hes nothing and it angers me,hes human like the rest of us. She gotta accept that! I opened my bedroom door and closed it behind me. I laid down on my bed on my stomach and read an book to kill over the time. I heard footsteps and Michael lean body came into view with Lisa at his side. I sighed and looked back at my book called 13 reasons why.

"Nadia,we going to the Azul Coastal wanna join us?" Michael asked me.

"no im fine,go without me." I said,Monotonously and my tone dripped with no emotion nonetheless.

"Please Nadia,u need to get out and enjoy spain at the special expense. Live alittle girl." Michael begged.

"Michael she doesn't want to go with us,Leave her alone. Let her breathe." Lisa butt in.


"Get out,Leave me alone." I yelled and push him out as Lisa followed him and i slammed the door. I heard their footsteps faded down the hallway and i fell down to my knees,burying my face in my hands as i sobbed harder. I heard my door open and close,i look up seeing Michael standing there two hours later.

"whats ur problem my sweet Bambi huh?" Michael asked me,raising his voice. Why he have to call me by my childhood name that he gave me in nineth grade.

"Michael get out and leave me alone." i yelled and he hugged me tight.

"i never fucking leave u alone,ur my friend Nadine." Michael yelled back. I punched and slapped him,when i realized what i done immediately regretted what i done to my bestfriend.

"Michael im so sorry i didn't mean to do that to u." I say,seeing him sobbing and holding his beautiful face in his hands. I remove his hands from his face and held large hands in mine,"can u find it in ur heart to forgive me,we been through alot to together and please don't let me go. I need u my bestfriend." i smiled.

"i forgive u Nadine but i think our friendship needs healing and we need time apart." Michael replies,not smiling and my heart sinks down with my hopes and dreams floating away in the gutter. I let go of his hands and step backwards,shaking my head. Tears filled up in my eyes and feeling them spill out from my eyes,falling down to my face.

I turned my back to him. "Get out please. I think Distance is best for us,get back to ur precious bitch." i whispered and slid my hoodie over my head. I grabbed my keys and walked out of my bedroom,walking past Michael as he grabbed my arm.

"let me go u bloody asshole." i yelled

"No we gonna talk about this fight we had,Nadine Grace Mackey." Michael yelled. I grew silent and looked down hiding my smile. I love the way he says my full name, "Don't make me sing," Michael smiled and i giggled,hiding my face feeling like an kid again.

"lets arm wrestle,the loser buys lunch." i sat down and adjusted my hand on the table,making sure my elbow is elevated. Michael locked his hand with mine and made contact with me as we arm wrestled. Michael got distracted and i won,slamming his hand down.

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