Chapter 2

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My mother walked into the office looking pissed off and her face was red as a tomato from lots of anger spewing inside of her. I lowered my head and looked at my hands trying not to laugh cause she looked like a bright red and shiny tomato. She sat down next to katherine and joseph which they look mad too. Michael started shaking terrifying as he hid his face against my shoulder as his tears soaked my shirt cause joseph said to him "when i get u home im tearing that ass with my belt and you stay in ur room with no dinner tonight damn kids these always acting up" and i heard my mother hum a disapproval sigh that men like that shouldn't treat their kids that way. I felt bad for Michael,Janet,Sheretta,Jermaine and Jemma that still live with joseph. I heard Katherine say after while "Joseph u will not land a hand on my child or i have the divorce papers drawn up. We just send him to bed after dinner " Joseph glared at her and sat back not saying another word. His definition of a belt was a long razor strap object that hurt like real bad cause belts were not invented in the 1970s and they only had razor straps. My daddy use slap the razor strap on my skin making me bleed and i cried, one day mother put a stop to it by punching the shit out of him, u see that my mother doesn't tolerate what my daddy does. Michael told me his daddy does the same to him and his mama puts his daddy in check just like my mama does with my daddy and he doesn't disobediently her again cause he knows what shes capable of.

"excuse me i don't mean to rude for interrupting ur conversation joseph whatever ur bamboo name is but u don't put ur hands on any damn child ya heard me. Thats why i knocked out nadia's daddy for putting his filthy meat hooks on my daughter." She said grimlessly, glaring at him as she earned a glare from him also. I heard katherine chuckle and high five her. Her and my mother get along great. Michael stopped shaking and crying after a while. I wiped Michael tears away and hugged him as i soothed my hand over his little afro letting him know that im here for him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder sighing sadly. Mr.Johnston walked holding paperwork and looked at us then he sighed.

"Jackson not u again. What u do this time. I told u i don't want see u again in this office get ur ass. Fifi and doemose follow me." He said, referring to katherine and joseph. I heard katherine say " oh whatever i should whoop ur ass instead of my husband's" Mr.Johnston looked at her shocked and walked faster away from her. Michael chuckled as he follow them in the Mr.Johnston's office and the door shut behind them. I heard katherine yelled at him saying " you never met a woman like me i force to be reckon with" me and my mom laughed hysterically.

As the day droned on fast was exhausting for me after seeing the principal and having detention for a little over 2 hours. I finally stepped into my house with michael trailing behind me and follow me up to my room. I sat down at my desk and opened our social studies book to page 35. Michael scooted closer to me and pulled out his homework from his bookbag then got to work on the assignment of world war 1 and 2. Michael tapped the pencil along his chin thinking hard and then wrote his answer down next to each question. Michael did unexpected and grabbed my head giving me a noggie messing my hair up in the process. I grabbed him and started to wrestle with each other on the floor. I spun around and put him in a headlock making him tapped out. He laughed when we got up from the floor and sat down on the chairs as i laughed as well. We finished our project and sat back yawning tirely. My mama barged in my room and placed a plate of pizza pockets for us on my desk and put a 2 little soda infront of us with 2 glasses then left smiling at us. We smiled at my mom generousity and kind ways of treating and making michael feel welcome at our house. Michael looked at a text and sighed sadly.

"Joseph wants me home. I gotta go." He said, looking at me apologetically and kissed my forehead.

"but mikey don't go. We don't spend more time together as friends. Please don't go." i said, with tears in my eyes. He sighed and pulled me into a hug.

" just remember if we don't spend time and that i always love u as my friend u can always text me or call me. U always be my friend and nobody ever going to change that. I love u." Michael whispered in my ear. He kissed my cheek and left crying tears of his own.


Michael and I friendship grew more over the year that we known each other and we was always inseparable ever since. Michael held my hand in his as he pushed everyone out the way cause we tried to get to class. Michael body slammed another teenager out the way cause nelson was in the doorway blocking our entrance as usual Michael opened the door and dragged me in the classroom along with him. I yelled "slow down dammit" but he ignored me and kept going. He let go of my hand and sat in the back of the room. I followed him and sat down behind him looking at the back of head. I reached over and started braiding his hair into short braids. He touched his hair when i was done and he turned around smiling at me. I smiled back at him and held his big hands in mine. We smiled looking down and blushed like crazy. Im not going lie i had a crush on him and i loved at how his hands fit perfectly in mine. He smiled and turned back around when the classmates filed in the classroom. I nervously bit my lip when i felt a strong feeling in the pit of my stomache, i close my eyes and took deep steady breathes.i opened my eyes and looked down biting my lip.

3:30 p.m. Jacksonville norte Middle school parking lot

Michael lit up a cigarette and leaned up against his car taking long drag off his cigarette. Who in their right mind give their 13 year old kid a car is beyond me? I got in the passenger seat and shut the door behind me as i watch michael put out his cigarette and got in the driver seat shutting behind him. Michael put the car into drive and drive off towards our place that we share with our roommates janet,sharetta and my sister loretta. Reason why we don't live with our parents cause me and michael smart off to them cause they jumping to conclusions of why michael and me were kissing but we weren't not kissing we just kissing each other on the cheek. Whats wrong with that? We wasn't doing anything. The same night Michael was beaten by his dad and i was beaten by mine when we kicked out we ran away.


*5 months ago*

Michael leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I kissed his too and looked into his eyes. My mother barged in with michael parents trailing behind her seeing us too close. My dad grabbed my arm and dragged me away into the next room. He shutted the door and started beating me up badly. I curled up a ball and crying taking the beatings as they came. He stood over me fuming as he looked down at me and left slamming the door behind him. I laid there crying and listened as the rain hitting the window softly and a clap of thunder crashed loudly as the lightening lit up the sky. I heard the door close suddenly and felt someone lifted me up into their arms softly reassurely me that i will be ok.

"Im not let anybody hurt u again. I told u im always here for u." Michael said, taking me outside and put me down in the passenger side and shutted the car door. He hopped in the driverseat and drove off fast. I seen a huge cut on michael arm and let my tears flow again.

" Michael you hurt badly. That man hurt u. Oh mikey hold on i fixed it up for u." I said. I got the first aid kit out from the glove compartment and treated his cuts with antibacterial ointment and I applied gauge to it and put the first kit back where it belongs. Michael smiled at me and turn his eyes back to the road.

*end of flashback*

I smiled at the memories of how michael saved me from my abusive dad and took care of me through our baddest time,anguish,pain and trials and tribulations. Michael arrived infront of our 5 bedroom flat and parked in the garage. I got out and went inside greeted warmly by our roommates. Janet and loretta tackled me to the ground hugging me like crazy. Janet is 4 or 5 years old and she is so adorable. She refused to live with joseph without michael cause she said "if he goes i go to thats my bubba and i woved u." so she came and lived with is. Michael walked in and sat down next to us as we watched tv.

August 29, 1972

Michael went out to a diner for his 14th birthday and we had blast with him. Today was my 13 th birthday and we spent it together. Michael threw a water balloon at joseph and pretended to play with my hair. Joseph looked at us scowling and asked "who threw that". Michael pointed at janet and looked at me trying not to laugh. Joseph turned back around staring at his wife and started checking her out. I came up behind him and poured the bucket of water on him. Me and Michael,loretta and sheretta, jermaine and janet ran away laughing as Joseph chased us mumbling "damn u kids". We laughed hysterically and ran faster than before making joseph cursed under his breath more then ever. It gotten late and we headed back home. I climbed into my bed and got under the covers. I dozed off into peaceful slumber and dreamed about what am i going to be in the future.

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