Chapter 12

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Michael,I,Lisa,Janet,Jazzenda,Josh and Clarissa arrived in Paris,France at approximately 5 p.m. I gasped when i step off the plane,France is beautiful and alot of hot men roam the streets. Lisa admired Michael always and i wonder why they hadn't dated yet. I got all my things settled in my master suite and i looked around in surprise. Everything is expensive and beautiful,the couchs are a soft cream color with white stripes etched with each stitch of someone's love. The bed is an canopy and the bedspreads are breathtaking ocean blue. Chris wandered the halls drunk and hollared out weird things. I shook my head laughing and Chris bang on Michael's door. Michael opens the door and rubbed sleep from his eyes,Chris started jumping like crazy,making Michael confused and finally he laughs out loud at his crazy friend. Chris declared that we should play patty cake and hide&seek. What is he like 3 years old? Michael and I hid under my bed as Chris counted to 100.

"100 where u guys at? Come out,come out whereever u are." Chris cheerfully chanted. Our legs were tangled together and i squirmed but somehow our legs wouldn't budge. Oh shit we are stuck.

"Michael we are stuck." I whispered.

"what should we do?" Michael asked,whispering back as i felt his breath on my lips.

"we should move alittle to the left and try to get our legs untied somehow." I answered,still whispering and he nodded. Michael move to the left and our legs came untied,i sighed in relief that was uncomfortable and my legs started cramping up. I cursed under my breath and listen as Chris whined that he couldn't find us.

"aha ur under here,i knew it..." Chris trailed off when he flip the clothes basket over and he groaned,still searching for Me and Michael. He's crazy,who in their right mind would fit in an laundry basket? Noone can fit in it cause noone is that size to fit in an basket like that.

"oh brotha." I mumbled

"Chris is something else man i swear." Michael laughed quietly. I turn to get more comfortable and i bumped into Michael's chest. 

"Oww." I cried 

"I can hear u,u can run but u can't hide." Chris exclaimed. I realized how close that we are and i panicked,Michael looked into my eyes. I smiled and went to kiss his cheek but i must of kiss his lips instead cause i felt him kiss me back. Next thing i knew we are snogging and his warm lips on mine felt like i am in an blissful place called heaven. I wasn't prepared when things went to fast and what happen next change my life forever. I wasn't ready when my heart took flight and new feelings that Michael gave me spring to life.

"where were u guys?" Chris asked

"maybe if u look under the bed,then u would known." I smirked.

"damn why i didn't think of that...."Chris trailed off noticing my hair tangled up.

"don't even ask." I groaned. My hair get caught when i tried to get out from under the bed and Michael had help me untangled it.

"damn u look like an angry cuckatoo." Chris grinned and i smack him in the back of his head. Michael snickered and had an hand over his mouth,finding this hilarious.

"see u what u did,u made ur own friend laugh at u." I smirked.

"frankly dear i don't give an fuck if he laughs,he will get what's coming to him." Chris exclaimed. Michael raise an eyebrow and looked at Chris amused.

"is that right Chris,last time i remember correctly i kick ur ass at 45 hoops of basketball and u cried like an little baby." Michael laughed and Chris gives Michael a "did u just go there" look.

"boys calm the hell down and go sit down so u can cool down." I sighed and help them sit down without hurting each other.

"Nadine we need to talk." Michael spoke up.

"i know the whole thing we did an hour ago is an mistake right." I smiled trying to hold my emotions in and waited for his answer.

"yes i think we should stay friends and forget it ever happens." Michael calmly replied and i feel like i died inside hearing that coming from my bestfriend's mouth. A new feeling surge through me and i closed my eyes,scared of all sudden of these feelings.

"hey chris did u know Lisa ask me out." Michael cheerfully says.

"damn dawg,i wonder when u two were going to get together,what u say." Chris slap an hand on Michael's back and i felt Michael eyes on me.

"i told her yes and that i would love to." Michael words cut through my heart and i turn to the wall,choking up silently. My heart broke up in pieces and he cut me open tonight. An unknown masked feeling provoked in me and i had an feeling that is jealous. Before i could stop myself i punched Michael in the face and open the door storming out towards Lisa's hotel room. I knocked on her door and there was no answer.

"Josh where are u?" I asked,stepping outside.

"behind u." Josh joked.

"where is Lisa?" I asked and he pointed to the roof where Lisa was tied to the chimney. I burst out laughing and Michael shot me glare,making me laugh harder at the situation.

"the annoying ass bitch wouldn't shut up,so i tied her up. She was insulting me and putting me on blast,so to let u know im not having it." Josh smack his lips and waved at Lisa sarcastically making Lisa mad. She had an gag in and she couldn't scream if she wouldn't to.

"let her down." Michael growled.

"i still trying to figure out what u seen in that bitch." I mumbled.

"Nadine." Michael scolded me.

"what." I snapped.

Oh brotha this is going to be an long weekend this summer.

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