Chapter 4

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I punched the punching bag and released the pent up in the anger i had in my body. How dare he let lisa come in between me and his friendship? I watch them together all the damn time and i just want to puke all over this bitch. I scratched my nose and kicked the punching bag. What am i kidding he never see me that way. Hes 18 and im 17, im an kid in his eyes. I punched the punching bag again taking out my angst,pain,tears,anger and mixed up emotions on it. Michael snickered and pointed at me as he talk shit about me to his friends. I want to take the pleasure of going over there and punch his fucking face in til he knows how much of an bloody ass he is! What am i kidding? I love him and i hate it so damn much. An guy came over and handed me an towel.

"Danke." i said,politely.

"good day miss. Don't over do it." Andrew said and i smiled as i nod my thanks.

"i won't. Thank u Andrew." i say,smiling and he walked away,nodding.

"Andrew don't be nice to her." Michael said,annoyed at his friend kindness towards me.

"shut up Michael. She's an nice lady don't be mean to her." Andrew said and started lifting weights.

"whatever." Michael mumbled and walked past me as i grabbed his arm pulling him towards me.

"what's ur problem. Why u hate me so much,since u got with lisa u been so cold to me. Why u being an ass to me. Why would u let an bitch come between our friendship." i say,sadly.

"watch ur mouth, she ain't an bitch and i don't appreciate u calling my girlfriend that oh wait hold the mayo ur jealous." Michael says,pointing his finger and grinned arrogantly.

"Michael ur pissing me off." i said and pushing him against the wall, glaring and fuming with anger.

"Michael Jackson got his ass beat by an woman but it ain't just any woman. His bestfriend. How u feel brotha getting ur ass beat by ur bestfriend." Garth asked Michael,pointing an microphone in his face and Michael glared at him,making Garth back away putting his hands up high in mere surrender.

"aight brotha. Don't get ur panty hose in an bloody bunch, i was fucking with ya shit." Garth Exclaimed

"Ich Liebe Dich Michael." i said in tears and walked away,picking up my gym bag as i left out. I need an drink. (i love you Michael)


*2 p.m.*

"Janet he is such as an ass." i said and finished an 10th glass of German wine. That shit is good. I burped and giggled,saying excuse me.

"yeah but he enjoys being fond of u." Janet says

"should u be drinking. U had 15 glasses and ur 16 so." i say

"so and my donkey king is my brother. We in ireland and 16 is an legal age duh."she said.

"anyways back to the subject. Do u like my big brother." she asked

"what the hell ur getting at. He humiliated me infront of his friends. Thats not an friend of mine but an enemy perhaps." i mumbled.

"he likes picking on u, u just don't see that yet. Hold that thought bartender give me another drink." Janet said,holding up her empty towards him and he ignored her like the last time. "hey motherfucker don't u hear me talking to u." she says rudely.

"but ms.Jackson u already had 15 drinks, take it easy." he exclaimed in his ireland accent. Janet got pissed and jumped behind the counter,trotting towards him as he backed away from her,trembling. She chuckled and shrugged her shoulders nonchantley as she pour herself an another drink into her empty glass,swaying an little. She is drunk. She finished four more glasses and jumped back over the counter giving the bartender an measy tip.

"hey Janet." Michael said and ignored me. I put my foot out and tripped him. He screamed in pain as he hit the floor face first and i smiled,feeling accomplished. Janet giggled and yelled "Whoo timber". I high five her and did our secret handshake as Michael groaned getting off the floor,throwing an glare my way.

"Janet i have good news." i smiled excited

"what is it." she asked

"im engaged." showing her my ring not noticing Michael froze hearing those words and Janet looked at Michael facial expression. She mouthed something to him and i looked at them as they changed their expressions. I shrugged thinking nothing of it and Janet changed the subject cause of the abrasive awkwardness.

"hows work." Janet asked us.

"good u should know u work there too Janet." i smiled at her and ignored Michael.

"i should get going sis we have work tomorrow morning." i told her and left not noticing Michael finally breaking down. I hailed an nearest taxi and gave the irish man directions to my new apartment. He pulled away from the curve and drove off down the street as i laid my face against the window,looking at the pasting streets feeling my tears fogged up the glass. My heart is an nervous wreck and angst wretched around my heart, my emotions bottled up inside. I sighed and hear the cab screeched to an stop at my apartment building. I paid him and got out,shutting the door behind me as i walked over to the stairs. I climbed the stairs to the very top and took out my key from my pocket of my sandy color trench coat. I closed the door and sat down next to my drunk roommates Kinae and cherish.

"hey girl." Kinae exclaimed cheerfully as her voice slurred all her words together and tapped her nails on her leg like an bass instrument.

"hey Ki Ki mango." i exclaimed, mocking her drunk voice.

"don't call me that u make it sound like that im an fruit. Im not sweet, im tangerine and tangy." She joked

"lol alright if u say so." i laughed hauntedly

"u sound like Freddie Kreguer addicted to permanent markers and laughing gas." she says in an matter of fact im right tone.

"u never met him in an day of ur life to even know him or even to know what he looks or sound like that. For all i know he could be an creepy stalker dude." i told her, informing her of the fact that i am right and she is wrong kind of way.

"whatever Justin bieber psychic freak." she says boldly and i slapped her making her fall off the couch.

"whatever Zucchini. Be quieter Tweaker." i proclaimed. Zucchini is her nickname cause she loves her some Zucchini and she can't go an whole day without chocolate in her system,she gotta have without it she bitches. I hate her horrible and worst moods.

"Nada what u do that." she cries using my childhood nickname and scratches her scalp when she smoking her shit,it makes her itch like crazy.

"i won't hit u anymore if u stop calling me an Justin bieber psychic freak. U know how much hate i hate him plus he's gay all the way. He plays for the other field y'know." i reminded and reprimanded her.

"im sowwy bestie." she cooed,patting my head like im an good dog and i slapped her hand away scolding her.

"ur forgiven. Next time u mentioned him, it will be far worst and u will be flying out the door landing straight on ur boney ass." i yelled feeling woozily and i sat back crossing my arms over my chest smiling crookily at her.

"i-imm sorrrry." she slurred,feeling frighten of me. That never gets old. Hehe. Michael walked through the door and told me to get ready for the trip to spain after that we are all going to germany on business. We taking an plane nonstop and we have round trip tickets. I look at Michael up and down admiring him in his business suit. He now had curls and it laid on his shoulders perfectly. He has short curls but he wearing long curly extentions attached to his real hair and it looks really good on him. I slapped my forehead and mentally snapped out of it just in time before he notice my intense stares or he felt it but didn't care to look over at me. I notice his smiles and he coughed fakely to cover it up but he didn't notice that i knew. He knows that he looks good.

"alright let's go." He said,smiling and left out carrying my and Janet's Bags. Man i love black guys and their swagger, just love how they carry themselves right. Nadia focus.

Ugh this going to be an long bloody trip.

I just hope he won't be the death of me by the time this year long trip is over and done with. I just hope i don't fall deeper in love with him. Oh dear insanity help me. Oh Gawd.

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