Chapter 14

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"Michael? Why are you here?" I asked,sighing and sat down,pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Nadine,you can't push me out of your life like that. I mean,we are bestfriends aren't we. When you push me out of your life like that,it hurts me so bad." Michael said,leaning on me and wrapped his arms around me,as he laid his chin on my shoulder.

"i just can't do this anymore,living a lie and keeping my emotions bottled up inside of me,making people think that i am ok,when i am really not. Michael can't you see that i am inlove with you and i want you,noone else." I shouted," oh wait,nevermind. You are just too dumb,to see it. You are too stuck up on Lisa,can't you see that,the woman you been looking for and the love you always wanted,has been here infront of you from the very beginning." I snatched myself,out of his grasp.

"you belong with me,not her.i watched you with Lisa,for years and it just killed me inside." I sobbed and cried into my hands.

"are u done talking?" Michael asked.

"w-what? You insensitive jerk,you don't care about anyone feelings but your own. I won't sit here and let you tell me,what to do. I won't let you." I snapped and felt more tears flow.

"man, shut up and let me talk." Michael shouted.

"who the fuck u think,u are?no you can't,shut me up. Do you hear me." I yelled and slapped him,as he grabbed my wrists.

"Let go of me,get your filthy meathooks off of me. I hate you." I sobbed," I hate you so much." I laid my head on his shoulder and cried into his shirt,as Michael sighed.

"Nadine,don't say that. Love me,before you get the chance to Hate me. Don't hate me." He said,raising my head off of his shoulder and cupped my face,into his hands,so i can look into his eyes.

"how would you feel,if i was married and kiss him,infront of you. Wouldn't you be jealous and feel heartbroken like i do?" I asked.

"yes,i will be heartbroken and ok,i will admit yes i will always be jealous." Michael admitted.

"then why,are u doing this to me?" I asked,"why are u hurting me. Michael don't you love me like i love you." I looked down,playing with the hem of my shirt.

"i don't know,i am just sacred. We been friends since we were teenagers. It is hard,seeing you diffrently. I use to think of you,as a sister that slept in my bed,when i had scary night terrors. I thought of you,as a sister that read to me before i went to sleep. When you admit,your feelings to me. It scared me and made me feel loved at the same time. When Janet,showed the tape of Lisa and Danny,i was furious and heartbroken. After that,i came straight over here and i needed comfort." Michael admits to me and i hugged him.

"i am sorry,that i didn't believe you or Janet." Michael apologized.

"it is ok,u didn't know and i tried to tell you,but you didn't believe me." I said,kissing his forehead and laid my head on his shoulder,playing with his curls.

"never touch a black man's curls." He joked,kissing my hand and removed it,from his hair. I realized that my face is to close to his and my heart started beating fast,as i looked into his eyes. I leaned in slowly,as he did too and his lips brushed against mine.

"i am going to hell for this." Michael said,sighing and captured my lips with his,leaving my brain foggy. I felt lightheaded and felt his emotions in his kiss.

"wow." I breathed,when i broke the kiss," you are a good kisser." Michael smiled and pulled me to his lips,as he kissed me passionately,make me feel sparks in each kiss. The kiss deepened and i tangled my slim fingers in his curls. We pulled back,feeling like we are in a daze and feel like we high,when are not. I looked over and saw Janet grinning like a fat cat that stole something big from bigbird's cage. Lisa stood there fuming and her face is pale as a ghost. Panick set in and i pulled away from Michael,who was scared as hell like me.

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