Chapter 8

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January 1989


I stood there on the beach chaperoning an wedding and shaking everyone hands,thanking them for coming. Janet joked with an few friends and chatted with the groom's Bestman. My brother is marrying his highschool sweetheart and longtime companion Francine Densworth today. The bride is so beautiful with her hair in an neatly done french braid,wearing an one strap wedding dress in red and Flowers etched on her dress. Her make-up done by her makeup artist Jon Vonci and he did an swell job making her face beautiful. She wore Diamond earrings dangling down,Red 6 inch heels and red handbag to match her radiant ensemble. She is so elegant and well-dressed,im proud of my new sister in law. I looked over Michael and Lisa,they are sharing cake and kissing like an greedy fat kids on Christmas. I looked at them disgust,Jealously and Envy,straight out anger. I looked away,bringing my gaze back at the beach and sigh,everything is beautiful and romantic in everyway. I sat down on the sand and let the water rush in,calming my nerves. Paolo,His girlfriend and My new fiancee Romeo sat next to me as they enjoy the beautiful nature, and Sunset with me. 

"beautiful and Romantic city isn't it." Romeo breathed in awe

"yes it is Rome." I agreed

"Let walk and talk girl,i have so much to tell u girl." Romeo Smiles and takes my hand,helping me to my feet as i felt Judgemental eyes on us. Romeo is 1/2 Italian and 3/4 Mexican mixed with 1/8 Croele Descent.

"What u want to talk about loverboy." I joked and he laughted sofly. He is gorgeous with Soft blue eyes,Black hair and Olive kinda Bronze blended in skin tone. He has an Football player's built,3 dimples in his chin and nice warm smile i ever seen. 

"our wedding i was thinking, a more modern theme with the women wearing white gowns and wear white italian expensive hats,exquisite Jewerly and Dazzling white chandlier above us in an grand ballroom as we dance,last but not atleast women gloves with flowers. We can go all the way baby for our wedding. Te amo Mucho Mami." Romeo said smiling,kissing my forehead and hugged me tight as we sway feeling the cold breezy wind,grazing our skin. Me and Romeo been dating for 2 1/2 years and decided to get married in the Dublin,Ireland so i can inherit Jackson and Mackey Lawfirm. Michael refused to Leave lisa and i gave up on him. They got married in Malaysia last year and i was so devastaded. Lisa is pregnant with Twins and she is due next month. Im infatuated and my heart belongs to an Married man,can my damn life get any more clearer and better than already is.

"Honey are u listening babe." Romeo waved his hand infront of my face and i snap out of my trance when i heard his alluring soft voice calling me.

"yea im fine Rome." I say,smiling and kissed his cheek,earning an smile from him. I added, "yea i heard u,im thinking babe."

"what about it Princess." Romeo cocked his head to the side and his long black hair fell in his face. I felt Michael staring at me and i look at him,as he smiled cunningly in an sexy way at me taking my breath away. His long black curls frame his heart-shaped beautiful face,his brown eyes twinkled with laughter and his full pinkish turn up in sexy smirk. I blushed and look away as i buried my face in Romeo's shirt hiding my flush face. The company extended our vacation and we been on the vacation for 3 or 4 years. We heading back tommorrow to Daytona beach and arrive by the jet in the states by 5 p.m. Pacific time,showed on our schedules of airtime. 

"Michael is looking,shall we give him an show." I grinned evily.

"i don't like those looks of urs but i have no choice but comply by the rules huh babe." He smiled and I nodded. He look over and indeed Michael is staring at us like he's challenging us to do something ironic or something. Romeo and Me grin at each other as we tried not to laugh. He lean in towards me trying to keep an straight pokerface kind of facade and our lips touched,hiding our snickers. I close my eyes and kiss him back to make it look real. Michael slam his hand down on the table and shook with anger making everything jump in the air. We start laughing silently and i wrap my arm around his neck,making Michael shot up out of his seat,which made his chair hit the person behind him.

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