Chapter 7

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Music Blared inside the club and People bumped into each other,trying to dance but it clearly wasn't working well with them. They are drunker than malasses and The people were grinding against each other,looking out of it. To me,it's hilarious cause they don't know what the hell they are doing. I sniffed the air and i grimaced. Someone smells like ass and they need to go wash their tail. Michael snickers and laid his head on my shoulder,burping every 5 mintues. Yes,he's drunk and he look so sexy. Nadine dammit focus on something else! My eyes widened at two men kissing and i gagged as Janet laughed hysterically at my facial expression. I fell out of my chair when i realized who it was,it is Eminem and Dr.Dre kissing. I drowned my drink and reached over stealing Michael's Drink, as i drowned it back as well.

"Hey,that's mine Bo peep!" Michael growled.

"who the hell is Bo Peep." I frowned,Confused.

"your mama." He giggled and i smacked his ass,making him jump.

"only Lisa Can do that." Michael giggled again,making me pissed and i got up,walking away. I need fresh air and an cigarette. I usually don't smoke but only when im depressed and stressed out. I lit my cigarette and took an long drag off of the burning substance, as i puff out the smoke. Now i making an vow to never tell him how i feel and keeping my feelings in the closet sealed away. That's ass got some nerve bringing her name up and im so fucking moody as hell. Michael walked out and his eyes dart back then forth looking for me.

"Nadddddinnnne come here. I wanna cuddle." Michael whined and giggled.

"Michael go away u bloody asshole." I smirk, "Lisa is waiting for u at home,Go be her cuddlebunny sugarlips." I flip him off and he looked hurt. He covered it up quickly and masked it with an smirk. Michael looked at me and he grinned,reading through me like he's an mindreader or something. I rolled my eyes and i threw my half finished cigarette in the street and walked past him. I didn't want it anymore.

"Nadia,don't walk from me,we ain't finish talking." Michael yelled.

"believe me we are finish talking, i don't want to have this discussion with u when u bring up Lisa." I retorted, "she is atleast of my damn worries,i can't stand that woman and plus i have my own damn problems,just leave me alone alright." I sigh as i walk away without waiting for an reply because frankly i don't need one. He's hard-headed and stubborn ass as it is. He loves her not me!

"nadine,wait an damn mintue,we gonna talk about this now i don't care if u like it or not. We are discussing this now." Michael grabs my arm and i look at his hand enclosed around my arm,i look up at him sighing.

"what do u want from me Michael?" I sigh deeply

"i want to talk to u,that's all i ask." Michael says,smiling and lets go of my hand then pulls me into an tight hug. I froze and bit my lip,not knowing what to do about this.

"Michael say what u need to tell me,so i can leave. I have an date with the Jacuzzi,make it quick." I stated rather stern and firm.

"what do u feel about me?" Michael asks me. I gulp and froze,not making eye contact. Did he seriously ask me that? Why is he tortuing me at an time like this?

"i don't feel anything for u and i want u to leave me alone." I removed his hands from my face and ran off towards the hotel. 

"Nadine,wait." I open my room door and shut it in his face, i slid down the door as tears started flowing. My heart wretched painfully in my chest and my whole body went straight up numb inside around my heart. My body beaded with cold sweat from top to bottom and i buried my face,crying my heart out til i had nothing in me. I kneeled over and threw up the remains of my food i ate previous hours before at the club. An loud knock sounded at my bedroom door and i ignored it, as i lay down on my bed shaking and crying. What the hell he do to me? I fell asleep feeling weak and exhausted to be honest.

*6 hours later*

"Nadine,open this fucking door or i break it down." Michael cried,yelled and pounded on the door as i woke up,feeling an little groggy and drowsy. I got up and open the door as Michael rush in bombarded me with hugs of his affection.

"Michael time is it buddy." I questioned Michael.

"it's 9:30 a.m. Hun time to go out and hit up the beautiful beach down the street on Melrose Beach Drive." Michael grinned.

"Michael it better be no nude beach,u drag me to one time and i beat ur ass for it." I warned him and waved my finger in his face. He kissed my finger and told me to get dress in an swimsuit. I shut the door and change into an bikini top with shorts. I walk out and i could of swore i felt Michael eyes on me. I look at him and he look away,biting his lip. Wow.

"Ready Naddie." Michael smiles.

"Yup sir." I grin cheesy

"ok lets go Bloody Mary." Michael grins and runs,giggling

That man never learns and he tested my patience!

Ugh Men.

I swear to gucci mane, if he takes me to an nude beach im gonna beat his yellow belly's ass. Try me 

He makes me ugh yell in frustration,cause he is so ignorant and annoying!

This is going to be an long, long fucking day.

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